keras-deep-learning copied to clipboard
Various implementations and projects on CNN, RNN, LSTM, GAN, etc
Deep Learning and Cognitive Computing Assignments
A list of all assignments of deep learning and cognitive computing
Assignment 1 : Multi Layer Perceptron on cifar10 dataset to classify images
Assignment 2 : Convolutional Neural Networks on cifar10 dataset to classify images
Midterm Project :
a) TV Script generation using Simpsons dataset
b) English to French translation
c) Face generation using Generative Adverserial Networks
Assignment 3 : Video classification on UCF11 dataset
Final Project : News Headline generation and validation
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes
A machine or a cloud service with GPU having CUDA3.0 or above
Amazon EC2/Google Cloud Compute/IBM Data Science Experience/Microsoft Azure
Anaconda for Python 3.6
Install Tensorflow, Keras and other packages
pip install keras
pip install tensorflow-gpu
Running the example
Use Jupyter notebook for running the IPYNB files
- Vighnesh Venkatakrishnan
- Naini Shah
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [] file for details
- documentation
- Deep Learning with Python book by fchollet
- Kaggle
- Prof Shrikant Krishnamurthy