Unet-ECG-Segmentation-Wavelet icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Unet-ECG-Segmentation-Wavelet copied to clipboard

This network uses Unet to perform segmentation of ECG to identify P,QRS,T components of a given ECG.


This network uses Unet to perform segmentation of ECG to identify P,QRS,T components of a given ECG.

Annotation (or segmentation) of the electrocardiogram (ECG) with a long short-term memory neural network.

Here, I experimented with performing segmentation of ECG a Unet architecture, The ECG from the QTDB dataset is converted to the wavelet domain using an edited version of the [PyTorchWavelets]https://github.com/tomrunia/PyTorchWavelets). I started of by providing the ECG and my labels as inputs for applying wavelet transform and I store the corresponding scales and the real & imaginary parts of the wavelet.
In the beginning I struggled a bit to get the input and output to match using the standard 1d Conv and 1d ConvTranspose, I labelled the P segment as 1 QRS as 2 and T segments as 3 using the the WFDB package.
It appears to work well on the QT database of physionet, but there is some issue with the way the labelling is done; I have to look for other datasets to try.


Getting Started

  • Download QTDB ECG dataset using something wget -r -l1 --no-parent https://physionet.org/physiobank/database/qtdb/ to qtdb directory
  • Run the QTDB_Wavelet_Extract python notebook which will store wavelet transform of labels and ECG to wavelet_dataset directory
  • Now run train_unet.py
  • Visualize results with test_unet.py


Training took about 30 mins on a GTX 1080ti. figure_12_test


  • PyTorch 0.3
  • Numpy, Matplotlib
  • wfdb,tqdm