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A react gallery picker

Ars Arsenal


A gallery picker. ArsArsenal makes it easy to quickly select photos and other resources for content management purposes. Additionally, it supports features such as:

  • Table/Gallery view
  • Pagination
  • Sorting
  • Search

Heads up! we recently made some breaking changes to configuration in version 3.0.0. See the CHANGELOG for more information.



npm install --save ars-arsenal
# or use yarn
yarn add ars-arsenal


Ars Arsenal ships with a stylesheet. The easiest way to include it is by importing it from the node_modules folder:

/* Sass stylesheet: */
@import './node_modules/ars-arsenal/style/ars-arsenal.scss'; /* or CSS: */
@import './node_modules/ars-arsenal/style.css';


ArsArsenal can be rendered either as a stand-alone instance or as a React component:

Stand Alone

import ArsArsenal from 'ars-arsenal'

let app = document.getElementById('app')

ArsArsenal.render(app, {
  autoComplete: true, // Show or hide autocomplete results

  resource: 'photo', // the noun used for selection, i.e. "Pick a photo"

  // Configure the root element's HTML attributes. default = {}
  rootAttributes: {
    className: 'my-custom-class another-custom-class',
    'data-test': 'my-integration-selector-helper'

  // The base URL for API interaction
  url: 'photo/resource/endpoint',

  // How to display the items. Can be "table" or "gallery"
  mode: 'gallery',

  // What table columns to display, and in what order
  columns: ['id', 'name', 'caption', 'attribution', 'preview'],

  multiselect: false,

  listUrl: function(url) {
    // Used to build the URL that fetches lists of records.
    return url

  listQuery: function({ search, page, sort }) {
    // Use this function to rename query parameters before building
    // the listUrl URL
    // Any data returned from this function will be stringified into
    // query parameters
    return { search, page, sort }

  showUrl: function(url, id: ID) {
    // Used to build the URL that fetches a single record
    return `${url}/${id}`

  onError: function(response) {
    // format errors before they are sent as a "string" value
    // to the component
    return response.code + ': ' + response.message

  onFetch: function(response) {
    // format the response, useful if you do not control the JSON
    // response from your endpoint

  onChange: function(id) {
    // Whenever a new item is picked, this event is triggered
    console.log('The value was changed to %s', id)

  request: function(url, callback) {
    // Behavior to configure networking. Return an XMLHTTPRequest
    return xhr(url, callback)

  logger: function(level, message) {
    // Override this method to handle usage warnings and issues
    // ArsArsenal considers errors with API interaction. Useful
    // for monitoring.
    switch (level) {
      case 'warning':
      case 'error':


import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Ars } from 'ars-arsenal'

let app = document.getElementById('app')

let options = {
  /* same options as above */

ReactDOM.render(<Ars options={options} />, app)

Response format

APIs return different shapes of data. To account for this, ArsArsenal exposes the onFetch option. This option is called whenever data is fetched from your API:

let options = {
  onFetch: function(response) {
    // format the response, useful if you do not control the JSON
    // response from your endpoint

ArsArsenal expects the following data format:

    "id": 1,
    "attribution": "League of Legends",
    "name": "Alistar",
    "caption": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
    "url": "images/alistar.jpg",
    "tags": ["blue", "cunning"]

To transpose data, map over it in onFetch like so:

let options = {
  onFetch: function(response) {
    return {
      return {
        name: record.title,
        caption: record.caption,
        url: record.imageSrc,
        tags: record.tags


To enable sorting, take advantage of the sort field passed into the listQuery option. listQuery will automatically stringify the returned object:

function listQuery({ page, search, sort }) {
  // Assuming your API requires a call like:
  // /photos?page=1&q=Dogs&sortKey=breed
  return {
    page: page,
    q: search,
    sortKey: sort


Take a look at our contributing guide, but the gist of it is:

# Install dependencies
yarn install
# Spin up the example server with:
yarn start

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