childprocess-vertx-ext icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
childprocess-vertx-ext copied to clipboard

Child Process extension for Vert.x

Child Process extension for Vert.x

Spawn child processes from Vert.x.

Based on Low-overhead, non-blocking I/O, external Process implementation for Java.

What for ?

Vert.x 3.6.2

Using Child Process

To use Child Process, add the following dependency to the dependencies section of your build descriptor:

  • Maven (in your pom.xml):
  • Gradle (in your build.gradle file):
dependencies {
  compile 'com.julienviet:childprocess-vertx-ext:1.3.0'

Spawn child processes from Vert.x:

Process.create(vertx, "cat").spawn(process -> {
  process.stdout().handler(buf -> {
    System.out.println("Process wrote: " + buf);
  StreamOutput stdin = process.stdin();
  process.exitHandler(code -> {
    System.out.println("Process exited: " + code);

Web-site docs

Previous Vert.x versions

  • Vert.x 3.5.x : use 1.2.2
  • Vert.x 3.4.x : use 1.1.2


Build Status

Use the dependency


Snapshots are deploy in Sonatype OSS repository:


Apache License - Version 2.0


The online and published documentation is in /docs and is served by GitHub pages with Jekyll.

You can find the actual guide source in src/main/docs/ At compilation time, this source generates the jekyll/guide/java/

The current documentation is in /jekyll and can be preview using Docker and your browser

  • generate the documentation ** mvn compile to generate jekyll/guide/java/ ** mvn site to generate the javadoc in jekyll/apidocs
  • run Jekyll ** cd jekyll ** docker-compose up
  • open your browser at http://localhost:4000