cypress-clojurescript-preprocessor copied to clipboard
ClojureScript preprocessor for Cypress
A Cypress preprocessor for ClojureScript, which uses Shadow CLJS for processing Cypress tests written in ClojureScript.
The plugin works by inspecting the Cypress integrationFolder
(by default, cypress/integration
) for ClojureScript files (*.cljs
, e.g. cypress/integration/my_app/app_test.cljs
-> (ns
) and generates a shadow-cljs.edn
configuration file with a build for each test file. This configuration is then used to compile the tests into Javascript before submitting to the browser.
The shadow-cljs server is kept running while the Cypress runner is active. When a test is run, the test file is watched for changes and a recompile is done if the test file is changed and Cypress is notified to rerun the test. The first compile is a bit slow, but subsequent compiles are fast (the plugin uses shadow-cljs compile
command, which defaults to optimizations: none
Example usage
Create a project
$ mkdir cypress-cljs-sample $ cd cypress-cljs-sample $ echo {} > package.json
Install Cypress
npm install cypress --save-dev
Install cypress-clojurescript-preprocessor
npm install cypress-clojurescript-preprocessor
Configure ClojureScript preprocessor
$ mkdir -p cypress/plugins $ cat << EOF > cypress/plugins/index.js const makeCljsPreprocessor = require('cypress-clojurescript-preprocessor'); /** * @type {Cypress.PluginConfig} */ module.exports = (on, config) => { on('file:preprocessor', makeCljsPreprocessor(config)); }; EOF
This will delegate files other than
to the default Browserify preprocessor. If you need to run other preprocessors, then combine them with for example:module.exports = (on, config) => { const browserifyPreprocessor = makeBrowserifyPreprocessor(); const cljsPreprocessor = makeCljsPreprocessor(config); // Use the default Browserify preprocessor for files other than *.cljs on('file:preprocessor', (file) => file.filePath.endsWith('.cljs') ? cljsPreprocessor(file) : browserifyPreprocessor(file)); };
Write test in ClojureScript
$ mkdir -p cypress/integration/examples $ cat << EOF > cypress/integration/examples/window.cljs (ns examples.window (:require-macros [latte.core :refer [describe beforeEach it]])) (def cy js/cy) (describe "Window" (beforeEach [] (.visit cy "")) (it "cy.window() - get the global window object" [] (.should (.window cy) "" "top"))) EOF
Run test
./node_modules/.bin/cypress open
REPL in Cypress
You can active REPL into a test in the browser that Cypress is controlling.
Lookup NREPL port used by the shadow-cljs server
$ cat .preprocessor-cljs/.shadow-cljs/nrepl.port 50796
Connect to the NREPL server and list builds
shadow.user> (shadow/get-build-ids) (:npm :local :window_foo :window)
Open a test in the Cypress runner
Start shadow-cljs watch on the test that is open in the Cypress runner
shadow.user> (shadow/watch :window) [:window] Configuring build. [:window] Compiling ... [:window] Build completed. (119 files, 0 compiled, 0 warnings, 1.22s) :watching
The build-id is a keyword of the test file name
Start a ClojureScript repl
shadow.user> (shadow/repl :window) To quit, type: :cljs/quit [:selected :window] cljs.user> (js/alert "plop") ;; To try out that it works
Now you can use the slightly undocumented now
command to execute Cypress command immediately, for example, to select an option:
cljs.user> (-> (.now js/cy "get" "#some-opt")
(.then (fn [el]
(.now js/cy "select" el "two"))))
#object[Promise [object Promise]]
When done, exit the repl and stop shadow-cljs watch for the repl build
cljs.user> :cljs/quit Exited CLJS session. You are now in CLJ again. :cljs/quit shadow.user> (shadow/stop-worker :window) Worker shutdown. :stopped
Some references to the now
Shadow CLJS configuration override
The Shadow CLJS configuration used by the preprocessor may be overridden via a shadow-cljs-override.edn
file, which is merged on top of the default configuration with meta-merge. By default, [mocha-latte "0.1.2"]
and [chai-latte "0.2.0"]
are included in the shadow-cljs.edn configuration used by the preprocessor.
Shared namespaces
The working directory of the shadow-cljs compiler that is driven by the preprocessor is the cypress
folder. Because of this, in order to include shared code that is in a folder at the same level as the cypress
directory, use a relative (or absolute path) e.g.
$ tree -I "node_modules" -P common.cljs\|window.cljs
├── cypress
│ ├── fixtures
│ ├── integration
│ │ └── examples
│ │ └── window.cljs
│ ├── plugins
│ └── support
└── src ;; shared code directory
└── net
└── tiuhti
└── common.cljs
$ cat shadow-cljs-override.edn
{:source-paths ["../src"]} ;; path relative to `cypress` directory
$ head -3 cypress/integration/examples/window.cljs
(ns examples.window
(:require-macros [latte.core :refer [describe beforeEach it]])
(:require [net.tiuhti.common :as common])) ;; require namespace in the `src` directory
Dependencies used by the shared code would have to be specified in the :dependencies
key in shadow-cljs-override.edn
Here's some notes on how to develop this library.
Shadow-cljs repl
The preprocessor is written in ClojureScript and compiled to a npm library with the help of shadow-cljs. To develop the library in a ClojureScript repl:
- Start node repl via
shadow-cljs node-repl
- Connect to the
server for example from Emacs with cider:cider-connect
- In
at theshadow.user>
prompt, switch to the node repl via:(shadow/repl :node-repl)
Use locally compiled version
To use a local version of the preprocessor, point the client project to the local clone of the preprocessor:
"devDependencies": {
"cypress": "^7.6.0",
"shadow-cljs": "^2.14.5" ;; <-- Also, need to have shadow-cljs installed in the client project
"dependencies": {
"cypress-clojurescript-preprocessor": "../cypress-clojurescript-preprocessor" ;; <-- Directory of the local copy
Note the the client project also needs shadow-cljs to be installed (apparently :)).
Then, compile your changes via
$ npm run prepare
And (re)start Cypress in the client project:
$ ./node_modules/.bin/cypress open
- 0.2.0
- Support REPL in an open test, allows to use the "now" command
- Finally fix zombie processes after exit, by using signal-exit, thanks to this blog post
- Detech shadow-cljs startup by polling port/pid files and remove race condition around subprocess stdout/stderr
- 0.1.7
- Bump shadow-cljs to 2.14.5
- Call process/exit to not leave zombies when Cypress exits
- When adding a new test while the preprocessor is running
- Use same optimization level as for initial build config
- Prevent duplicate merge of
- 0.1.6 Support namespaces with multiple segments (thanks @martinklepsch !), also files with underscore. Bump chokidar to 3.5.2
- 0.1.5 Merge override config ontop final config, allows to add additional :source-paths
- 0.1.4 Bundle browserify preprocessor
- 0.1.3 Add shadow-cljs-override.edn
- 0.1.2 Bundle Bundle mocha-latte and chai-latte
- 0.1.0 Initial release