Kimmo Koskinen
Kimmo Koskinen
On a second thought, we need this also for plain deploy, so reopening.
What version of Spark are you using? Just a hunch, but with Spark 2.x your project needs `[com.esotericsoftware/kryo-shaded "4.0.0"]` explicitly as a dependency in addition to powderkeg.
Thanks for the reply! I realized that I might not have communicated too well. I was thinking that there could be an attribute where the whole contents of the encrypted...
Sounds like a nice direction of further development :)
I just happened to stumble upon this too, maybe the way dependencies are arranged has changed, so tried my luck by looking into `deps.edn` of this project and from `:glowstone`...
Nice! I forgot that there was a workshop recently, thank you! :)
Actually, when using spartan.spec, the bit about `(require '[clojure.main :refer [demunge]])` isnt' needed.
A cleaned-up version, we don't need the `:remove-clojure` alias after all: ``` 0% export BABASHKA_CLASSPATH=$(clojure -Spath) 0% cat deps.edn {:deps {integrant/integrant {:mvn/version "0.8.0"} borkdude/spartan.spec {:git/url "" :sha "e5c9f40ebcc64b27b3e3e83ad2a285ccc0997097"}} :paths ["resources"]}...
Thanks for the fast reply! And apologies for the lack of context :/ What set me on this path was encountering the following on an older project that uses `cemerick/piggieback...
I ran into here while looking for something else (insert-multi! fails with empty rows), but AWS has this JDBC wrapper nowadays, which has a plugin for IAM auth (and plugins...