@snailcatcher I did the same on Azure Container Apps and enabled a log search alert, but I'm not sure if an alert is fired or not in case of the...
> When that happens also the RAM usage of the pod drops from 1.4GB to 14MB. As I observed, the same behavior happened on Azure Container Apps with Workload Profile...
> Hi @vienleidl > > Thanks for reporting this issue. I will take a look for it. Hi @Greedygre , i've just found that the scheme container app also inherits...
> > > Hi @vienleidl > > > Thanks for reporting this issue. I will take a look for it. > > > > > > Hi @Greedygre , i've...
I use the latest docker image (clamav/clamav), and I've got the same warning message: `WARNING: Clamd was NOT notified: Can't connect to clamd through /tmp/clamd.sock: No such file or directory`