UiMutilator copied to clipboard
0.666 release is incomplete
I stumbled across UiMutilator/UiMultimator a week ago when looking for a lightweight remote wrapper around UiAutomator for a client to use.
I ended up finding that the 0.666 release, which is also where the name change happened, that the released .jar have a few issues. First, it does not contain the command-tests stuff for loading onto the device under test. Also, it appears to have been built with older sources, so the name change didn't fully happen.
The 0.6 release actually seems to work pretty well, but the API wasn't filled out enough to support locating UI elements by resourceId, which is pretty important for maintainable tests. Therefore, I am figuring out how to update the build to use Android Studio as well, and I am pretty close.
It appears that this project may have been left behind, but would like to maybe revive it. I will likely get things working on my fork of the project, which I could submit a PR for. Although, I might be willing to take over supporting it, if you have both moved on to other things.
There is a big hole in UI automation for Android. Appium and Selendroid have largely died and they both added support for UIAutomator, but only to encompass a small subset of its functionality.
Hi, I totally missed this. Sorry for the late reply. Yeah, it's left behind in the sense I'm not actively working on it anymore. I agree with the automation void, me and a former colleague of mine created this together to be able to test an Android app for calling, where you need two phones / emulators to get the job done.
Did you run in into any particular snag to get things running? I think I was using IntelliJ or Android Studio when working on this. Let me know if you need help gettings things set up. It seems you figured out the tricky part - the command-tests stuff.
As for moving forward, I'll gladly accept any PR you have in mind. I'd can also add you as collaborator to allow you to push directly to this repo. You could then just push branches and then I can review, and if I'm to slow you can just merge yourself. :-)
I appreciate you getting back and your willingness to accept PRs, though I have moved on to a non-Android project as well. :-/
For you and any others interested in remote scripting UIAutomator, this Python lib worked out pretty well: https://github.com/xiaocong/uiautomator