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Frag parsing error when Audio Only Master Playlist includes media playlist twice
What version of Hls.js are you using?
What browser (including version) are you using?
What OS (including version) are you using?
Test stream
Additional player setup steps
No response
- [X] The issue observed is not already reported by searching on Github under https://github.com/video-dev/hls.js/issues
- [X] The issue occurs in the stable client (latest release) on https://hlsjs.video-dev.org/demo and not just on my page
- [X] The issue occurs in the latest client (main branch) on https://hlsjs-dev.video-dev.org/demo and not just on my page
- [X] The stream has correct Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers (CORS)
- [X] There are no network errors such as 404s in the browser console when trying to play the stream
Steps to reproduce
- Play the master playlist file
- Audio playlist gets loaded twice
- Frag parsing error happens which leads to bufferStalled error in some cases
The problem seems to be that the audio playlist ist included twice. According to the hls spec this should be a valid configuration and not lead to the above problems.
For more info see #6742
Reproduction: https://hlsjs.video-dev.org/demo/?src=https%3A%2F%2Fvod-qa-hdd-01.b-cdn.net%2F3InDYWsdUyklwEfMCl9j%2F90516808-a56e-4bae-8b55-f56b0e069abc%2Fhls.m3u8&demoConfig=eyJlbmFibGVTdHJlYW1pbmciOnRydWUsImF1dG9SZWNvdmVyRXJyb3IiOmZhbHNlLCJzdG9wT25TdGFsbCI6ZmFsc2UsImR1bXBmTVA0IjpmYWxzZSwibGV2ZWxDYXBwaW5nIjotMSwibGltaXRNZXRyaWNzIjotMX0=
Expected behaviour
- No frag parsing error
What actually happened?
Frag parsing error
Console output
Parsing error:Found no media in msn 0 of level "https://vod-qa-hdd-01.b-cdn.net/3InDYWsdUyklwEfMCl9j/90516808-a56e-4bae-8b55-f56b0e069abc/audio-de-mp4a.40.2.m3u8"
Chrome media internals output
No response