sollectify copied to clipboard
type: module
yarn run dev
import EventEmitter from 'eventemitter3';
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
I got the same error
Same error on my end. Did you found a solution ?
Same eerror
any updates or solution?
The next package version is causing the issue. I used this commit id ("ef4d2bfc69217f7127e513cb460308c734f94e2c") and am able to load the home page.
i got this error 1 of 1 unhandled error Server Error SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
This error happened while generating the page. Any console logs will be displayed in the terminal window. Source .next\server\pages_app.js (1:0) @ Object.@project-serum/sol-wallet-adapter
1 | module.exports = require("@project-serum/sol-wallet-adapter"); Call Stack webpack_require .next\server\webpack-runtime.js (21:0)
The next package version is causing the issue. I used this commit id ("ef4d2bfc69217f7127e513cb460308c734f94e2c") and am able to load the home page.
how can i get this commit ?
@franciscoangelini you can find all the commits below. Use the commit id shared about to do a git checkout.
Just download yarn.lock & package.json from commit ef4d2bfc69217f7127e513cb460308c734f94e2c Then you can build and run home page. But Create button didn't works.