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Basic crypto currencies arbitrage platform built in Laravel

Crypto Lara Arbitrage

Implements basic arbitrage algorithm between crypto exchange markets, currently supported : Bittrex, Poloniex, Bleutrade and Kraken.


  • support for multiple crypto exchange markets
  • minimum profit to take as opportunity deducting the market fees
  • check the ask / bid size in orderbook to adjust realistically the maximum gain
  • supports full exposure (use the order max size) or fixed stake
  • log the opportunities found in DB and display statistics
  • simulate the transactions based on the existing funds in the wallets and track them to get a P/L balance
  • wallets portfolio from all the exchange markets
  • initialize the wallets based on previous opportunities found
  • balance the funds between markets automatically
  • simulate basic trading operations (buy, sell, deposit, withdraw)



This software is for educational purposes only, right now it's just a simulator, meaning no real money involved.

Anyway, as a general rule if you decide to follow the opportunities, DO NOT risk money which you are afraid to lose. USE THE SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHORS AND ALL AFFILIATES ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR TRADING RESULTS.


Download or clone the repository:

git clone

Install dependencies:

cd crypto-lara-arbitrage/
composer install

Simplify artisan commands execution by giving the rights:

chmod a+x artisan 

Create initial wallets funds:

cd config
cp wallets.json.example wallets.json

Create the MySQL database and configure settings in the .env file:

cp .env.example .env

Run migrations and seeders:

./artisan migrate
./artisan db:seed

./artisan key:generate 

Optionally, install the cron to run the arbitrage bot in the background:

* * * * * php /path/to/project/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Basic Usage

Run the arbitrage bot:

./artisan arbitrage:run

Display arbitrage statistics:

./artisan arbitrage:stats 


Wallet management

  • Display all the wallets with a positive balance and the total value in BTC/USD
./artisan wallet:portfolio
  • Display summary of transactions and P&L report
./artisan wallet:transactions
  • Balance funds between platforms
./artisan wallet:balance

Each command supports additional options, please check them with:

./artisan help {command}


Feel free to contribute, but please discuss the feature in a issue or contact me before a PR