### Search first - [X] I searched and no similar issues were found ### Description Until recently, we've had two database change logs that we've been applying at run time...
v_generate_user_grant_revoke_ddl.sql does not include external tables and external schemas.
We're converting our drools rules to Clara rules and I'm having trouble figuring out how to convert this LHS (left hand side) syntax to a clara syntax: ``` BigDecimal(doubleValue>=325) from...
I'm having some issues using. MySQLContainer and PostgreSQLContainer with podman in Gitlab runners. My tests have been working perfectly using docker in Gitlab Runners, but our devops team is forcing...
This is my original clara rule, which was converted from a drools implementation: ``` (defrule add-all-dlp-firm-symbols "Add All DLP Firm Symbols" {:salience 1000000} [?billingDates
This is the LHS of my rule: ``` (defrule calculate-dlp-add-ratio "Calculate Dlp Add Ratio" ;{:salience 1500} [VolumeAccumulation (= accumulationLevel VolumeAccumulation$AccumulationLevel/ACCOUNT_SYMBOL) (= accumulationCode "nqeAddDlp") (= ?exchangeSymbol symbol) (= ?acctVolume totalVolume) (=...
### Search first - [X] I searched and no similar issues were found ### Description I see that there is an updateTestingRollback method, but that's not quite what I need....