randomFractal icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
randomFractal copied to clipboard

Random fractal or the secret behind my tree

Crossing Fractals

Crossing fractal using principles from genetic algorithm.


live version


Every once in a while someone asks me about the tree on the background of my homepage, this project tries to tell a little bit about it.

Back in college I got really interested in fractals and didn't took me long enough to find Keith Peters's book - Playing with chaos. I bought the e-book and fell in love with it right away. Not also it explains a lot of fractals, it does so using JavaScript and Canvas, two things I really love. I still learn a lot from that book. Anyway, about the tree: as soon as I saw that beautiful siluete of a tree forming with a couple of rules, I decided to use it on my homepage. If you wanna know more about fractals I highly suggest you to buy the e-book aswell.

The Rules used in this project

Parent A parentA

Parent B parentB

Since I cannot create my own rules, I took the rules I used to create the tree and a rule to create a leaf and decided to cross them, as you'd do with a plant if you wanna make a new specie. So, every time you click / touch the screen, a new fractal emerge from that crossing.


This project has taken an expected turn and I'll update the README later. For now, here's how its working:

On the left you have 9 fractals generated from the crossing of the two parents on the left. You can click to select / deselect a fractal you like. When you click evolve, the fractal(s) you selected will become a parent for the next generation, having a chance of being selected to the next crossing.

I have pushed a feature where you can view, adjust the zoom and the resolution of the selected fractals, learn more about it here