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Transmission through silver nano array is not converging
Hi !
I am trying to replicate the transmission spectra of a nanoarray in silver which I found in this paper.
The setup is the following:
From Top to Bottom:
- Layer: Air
- Silver Nanoholes: Hole Dimaeter: 250nm Silver Thickness: 400nm Rectangular Period (like chess): P = 500nm
- Bottom: Air
This is how the transmission should look like:
...and this is what I get with S4:
It looks better if you let it run for half a day (numG = 400)
... but it is still far from the truth.
Therefore, I need your help ! I have already tryed to parallize the code, but there was no substancial speed inprovement.
Here is my code:
-- all dimension are in micro meter (um)
-- starting simulation
S = S4.NewSimulation()
-- Set the unitary cell size. Basically the geometry repeats itself each 0.500 um
S:SetLattice({0.500,0}, {0,0.500})
-- Set maximum number of Fourier orders.
-- Basically if this number is big the result is more accurate but takes much more times to compute
--Creation of the silver and air material
-- S:AddMaterial(name, {real epsilon, imag epsilon})
S:AddMaterial("silver", {1, 0}) -- real and imag parts -> Just to initialize
S:AddMaterial("air", {1,0}) -- real and imag parts -> Just to initialize
-- Creation of the geometry --
--S:AddLayer(Name of the layer, thickness, name of the material)
--S:SetLayerPatternRectangle(Name of the layer that will be affected, material of the pattern created, center of the rectangle (relatively to the unitary cell), angle of the rectangle, halfwidth of the rectangle)
--Define the incident medium (thickness not relevant)
S:AddLayer('incidentMedium', 0 , 'air')
-- Geometry:
-- Incident Medium (air)
S:AddLayer('holes', 0.400, 'silver')
-- Geometry:
-- Incident Medium (air)
-- ________________________
-- holes (silver)
-- ________________________
diameter = 0.250
S:SetLayerPatternCircle('holes', 'air', {0,0}, diameter/2)
-- Geometry:
-- Incident Medium (air)
-- ________________________
-- | |
-- Silver | Air | Silver
-- ______ |______|________
-- Geometry:
-- Incident Medium (air)
-- ________________________
-- | |
-- Silver | Air | Silver
-- ________|______|________
-- base(air)
-- To visualize with POVRay
-- Incident wave --
--Setting of the incident plane wave
--No polarization
{0,0}, -- incidence angles
{1,0}, -- s-polarization amplitude and phase (in degrees)
{0,0}) -- p-polarization amplitude and phase
-- Definitions of the wavelength with respective value of epsilon:
-- {wavelength in um, n, k}
silverfreqData = {
{0.4, {0.045729, 2.12294}},
{0.41, {0.0445195,2.24183}},
{0.42, {0.0432874,2.35715}},
{0.43, {0.0419927,2.46531}},
{0.44, {0.0411015,2.57326}},
{0.45, {0.0409323,2.67576}},
{0.46, {0.0409567,2.77695}},
{0.47, {0.0407272,2.87375}},
{0.48, {0.0407815,2.97218}},
{0.49, {0.0412496,3.06633}},
{0.5, {0.0413734,3.1594}},
{0.51, {0.0416027,3.25111}},
{0.52, {0.0423728,3.34212}},
{0.53, {0.0422042,3.43319}},
{0.54, {0.0434033,3.5222}},
{0.55, {0.0438172,3.61011}},
{0.56, {0.0445074,3.69702}},
{0.57, {0.0459734,3.78393}},
{0.58, {0.0468199,3.87068}},
{0.59, {0.0468403,3.95717}},
{0.6, {0.0474104,4.04194}},
{0.61, {0.0489857,4.12631}},
{0.62, {0.0496178,4.20897}},
{0.63, {0.0511019,4.29309}},
{0.64, {0.0516469,4.37683}},
{0.65, {0.0509134,4.46022}},
{0.66, {0.0533885,4.54311}},
{0.67, {0.0524751,4.62372}},
{0.68, {0.0542186,4.70595}},
{0.69, {0.0544292,4.78842}},
{0.7, {0.0548604,4.86909}},
{0.71, {0.0565386,4.95078}},
{0.72, {0.0574012,5.03421}}
interpolator = S4.NewInterpolator('linear', silverfreqData)
-- S: UseNormalVectorBasis(use)
S: UseSubpixelSmoothing(use)
-- S: UsePolarizationDecomposition(use)
-- S: SetResolution(8)
-- Initialize other simulation objects to be run in parallel
Sb = S:Clone()
-- Every simulation object computes a transmission curve on its own
-- The transmission curves have an offset of delta
delta = 0.001
while w > 0.4 do
-- Initialize the wavelength for each simulation object
wa = w
wb = wa - delta
-- Set running parameter w to the last highest -> wd
w=wb - delta
-- Set frequency for all simulation objects
-- Get all complex refractive indexes for all simulation objects
na, ka = interpolator:Get(wa)
nb, kb = interpolator:Get(wb)
-- Set the new epsilon value for the silver (dispersive refractive index)
S:SetMaterial("silver",{na^2-ka^2, 2*na*ka})
Sb:SetMaterial("silver",{nb^2-kb^2, 2*nb*kb})
-- Solve in parallel the incidentMedium and the base layer
S4.SolveInParallel('incidentMedium', S, Sb);
S4.SolveInParallel('base', S, Sb);
-- Get the transmission for all simulation objects
ya = (aforwardBottom/forwardAirAbove) -- compute the desired result
yb = (bforwardBottom/forwardAirAbove) -- compute the desired result
-- Print the results
print(wa, ya)
print(wb, yb)
Metals, and in general layers which have a high refractive index contrast between shapes within a layer (as is the case with your voids surrounded in silver), are notorious difficult to simulate with RCWA. Try plotting the real and imaginary parts of the permittivity to get a sense for how large the contrast is.
thank you very much for your answer. Please excuse my late reply. I did not think that anyone would answer, and therefore I reduce the number of times that I checked my question on GitHub. I fully agree with you. High refractive index contrasts are difficult with RCWA. However I have used professional software: https://mcgrating.com/ and it was able to deliver a good result in 20min.