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Trino UDFs Plugin to encrypt/decrypt values with a password
Example of Trino UDFs Plugin to encrypt and decrypt values with a password.
In Trino you can create new Plugins by implementing interfaces and override methods defined by the SPI.
Plugins can provide additional Connectors, Types, Functions and with this project we implement 2 new SQL Functions (or UDFs / User-Defined Functions) to encrypt or decrypt a value (from a column or not) with a password.
The method used to encrypt a value is PBE (Password Based Encryption), a method where the encryption key (which is binary data) is derived from a password (string). PBE is using an encryption key generated from a password, random salt and number of iterations. Details on Java implementation, we use the PBEWithMD5AndDES mode.
- Java 11
- Maven 4.0.0+ (for building)
mvn clean package
If you want skip unit tests, please run:
mvn clean package -DskipTests
It will generate a trino-encrypt-udfs-{version}.jar and trino-encrypt-udfs-{version} folder in target directory.
Copy the trino-encrypt-udfs-{version} folder from target directory in your Trino plugin directory and restart Trino server.
% cp -R ./target/trino-encrypt-udfs-{version} <trino-server-folder>/plugin/trino-encrypt-udfs
% <trino-server-folder>/bin/launcher restart
Then you should find 2 new functions encrypt and decrypt if you list all available functions of your Trino server with SHOW FUNCTIONS SQL command:
"encrypt","varchar","varchar, varchar","scalar","true","UDF to encrypt a value with a given password"
"decrypt","varchar","varchar, varchar","scalar","true","UDF to decrypt a value with a given password"
With a local trino server and trino CLI you can test the UDFs with:
%<trino-cli-folder>/trino --execute "SELECT encrypt('myvalue','mypassword')"
SQL queries to use and test functions:
SELECT decrypt(encrypt('myvalue','mypassword'),'mypassword')
SELECT decrypt(encrypt('myvalue','mypassword'),'my_new_password')
With last query you must get the message "Wrong password for decryption"
Tests on a tpch table:
SELECT encrypt(name,'new_password') FROM tpch.sf1.region
To create a table with encrypted data:
CREATE TABLE your_catalog.your_schema.region_encrypt AS SELECT encrypt(name,'new_password') FROM tpch.sf1.region