numeric-keyboard copied to clipboard
Value Get Option From Textbox
Hi thanks for this repo its useful. i added this into my project and i am using like below in my angular project
<ng-numeric-input [layout]="'tel'" [class]="'form-control log-input'" [id]="'InmateID'" [entertext]="'Next'" [formControlName]="'InmateID'" [placeholder]="'Type your Inmate ID'" [ngClass]="{ ' is-invalid ': submitted && login.InmateID.errors }" >
i can get error validation message if i left the textbox by blank. but after entered the value the validation message not hiding.
and also i am not able to read the textbox values. how to read the values entered in textbox, because i need to pass the values to server.
i attached the image too. kindly check with this and help me to solve the issues. thanks once again