Vicary A.

Results 75 issues of Vicary A.

**System information** - Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock example script provided in TensorFlow.js): No - OS Platform and Distribution (e.g., Linux Ubuntu 16.04): macOS...


**System information** - Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock example script provided in TensorFlow.js): No - OS Platform and Distribution (e.g., Linux Ubuntu 16.04): Apple...


My app manages deep learning models and it's metadata, the models are sized around 50MB - 100MB. I am using CockroachDB for storage because it has no hard limit on...

help wanted

1. Which driver are you using and version of it (Ex: PostgreSQL 10.0): CockroachDB Serverless 2. Which TablePlus build number are you using (the number on the welcome screen, Ex:...

**Update 2023-02-07:** A port for Deno is available at, when the `npm:` protocol is mature enough I will make it compatible with both Node and Deno (and Bun). My...

I would like to expose a common interface for all my workers like this: ```ts export interface WrappedWorker { foo?: () => void; } ``` And one of my workers...

This is discovered in Deno when using tensorflow.js with its WebGPU backend, when tfjs declares a function `fn main` after the entry point `fn _start`. The generated WGSL works in...

Regarding [this post](!topic/knockoutjs/J47P1u1DH-E) in Google Group, I am trying to build a web app this knockout mapping, but it requires working on a very large paged collection (observableArray). Took a...

Thanks for creating this, the API is simple and easy to understand. I want to add memory footprints into benchmarks on top of ops/sec, 1. Is there a way to...