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Reusable, composable patterns across Elixir libraries
Expat - Reusable, composable patterns in Elixir.
Expat is a library for creating composable pattern matchers.
That means, whenever you find yourself writing complex or long
patterns in your functions, expat
can be handy by allowing
you to split your pattern into re-usable and composable bits.
These named pattern matchers defined with expat
can be used,
for example, to match over large phoenix parameters and keep
your action definitions short and concise. Since programmers
read code all the time, their code should be optimized for
communicating their intent, so instead of having your brain
to parse all the way down the large structure pattern it
would be better to abstract that pattern with a name.
Also, as patterns get abstracted and split into re-usable pieces they could be exported so other libraries (or your own umbrella applications) can communicate the rules for matching data being passed between them.
To read more about the motivation and where this library comes from, you can read the v0 README
use Expat
Named Patterns
Let's start with some basic data examples. In Erlang/Elixir it's very
common to use tagged tuples to communicate between functions.
For example, a function that can fail might return {:error, reason}
or {:ok, result}
Of course these two element tuples are so small, that most of the time it's better to use them as they communicate the intent they are being used for.
But, using them can help us understand the basics of how expat
just remember that expat
takes patterns, and is not limited
to some particular data structure.
defmodule MyPatterns do
use Expat
defpat ok({:ok, result})
defpat error({:error, reason})
So, just like you'd be able to use {:ok, result} = expr
to match
some expression, you can give the name ok
to the {:ok, result}
Later on, at some other module, you can use those named patterns.
iex> import MyPatterns
iex> Kernel.match?(ok(), {:ok, :hey})
In the previous example, the ok()
macro actually expanded to:
iex> Kernel.match?({:ok, _}, {:ok, :hey})
Notice that even when the ok
pattern definition says it
has an inner result
, we didn't actually were interested in it,
so ok()
just ensures the data is matched with the structure
mandated by its pattern and didn't bind any variable for us.
If we do need access to some of the pattern variables, we can bind
them by giving the pattern a Keyword
of names to variables,
for example:
# One nice thing about expat is you can use your patterns
# anywhere you can currently write one, like in tests
iex> assert error(reason: x) = {:error, "does not exist"}
iex> x
"does not exist"
And of course, if you bind all the variables in a pattern, you can use its macro as a data constructor, for example:
iex> ok(result: "done")
{:ok, "done"}
That's it for our tagged tuples example.
Combining patterns
Now we know the basics of how to define and use named patterns, let's see how we can combine them to form larger patterns.
Let's use some structs instead of tuples, as that might be a more common use case.
defmodule Pet do
defstruct [:name, :age, :owner, :kind]
defmodule Person do
defstruct [:name, :age, :country]
defmodule MyPatterns do
use Expat
defpat mexican(%Person{name: name, country: "MX"})
defpat mexican_parrot(%Pet{kind: :parrot, name: name, age: age,
owner: mexican(name: owner_name)})
iex> vic = %Person{name: "vic", country: "MX"}
...> milo = %Pet{kind: :parrot, name: "Milo", owner: vic, age: 4}
...> # here, we are only interested in the owner's name
...> mexican_parrot(owner_name: name) = milo
...> name
And again, if you bind all the variables, it could be used as a data constructor
iex> mexican_parrot(age: 1, name: "Venus", owner_name: "Alicia")
%Pet{kind: :parrot, name: "Venus", age: 1, owner: %Person{country: "MX", name: "Alicia", age: nil}}
Then you could use those patterns in a module of yours
defmodule Feed do
import MyPatterns
def with_mexican_food(bird = mexican_parrot(name: name, owner_name: owner)) do
"#{name} is happy now!, thank you #{owner}"
And the function head will actually match using the whole composite pattern, and only bind those fields you are interested in using.
Guarding patterns
Since expat v1.0 it's now possible to use guards on your pattern definitions, and they will be expanded at the call-site.
For example, let's build this year's flawed election system.
defmodule Voting.Patterns do
use Expat
defpat mexican(%Person{country: "MX"})
defpat adult(%{age: age}) when is_integer(age) and age >= 18
Notice that the adult
pattern matches anything with an integer age greater than 18 years
(mexico's legal age to vote) by using when
guards on the definition.
Notice the expat def can_vote?
part in the following code:
defmodule Voting do
use Expat
import Voting.Patterns
def is_local?(mexican()), do: true
def is_local?(_), do: false
expat def can_vote?(mexican() = adult()), do: true
def can_vote?(_), do: false
stands for expand pattern
in the following expression, and
expand their guards in the correct place.
So our can_vote?
function checks that the data given to it looks like
a mexican and also (since we are =
ing two patterns), that the data
represents an adult with legal age to vote by using guards.
will work for def
, defmacro
, their private variants, case
and fn
Actually you can give any expression into expat
. And your patterns will
be expanded correctly within it.
For example, the previous module could be written like:
use Expat
import Voting.Patterns
expat defmodule Voting do
def is_local?(mexican()), do: true
def is_local?(_), do: false
def can_vote?(mexican() = adult()), do: true
def can_vote?(_), do: false
# Un-import since its pattern macros
# were used only during compilation.
import Voting.Patterns, only: []
Guarded data constructors
As mentioned previously, if you expand a pattern and bind all of it's inner
variables (provided the pattern was not defined with any _
var), then you
are effectively just building data from it.
However, for patterns that include guards (or those expanding inner patterns including guards), an special bang function can be used to build data and make sure the guards are satisfied.
Bang constructors are positional, that means variables are bound in the order they appear on your named pattern.
For example, for our previous adult
defpat adult(%{age: age}) when is_integer(age) and age >= 18
The adult!(age)
constructor will be generated.
See HOW_IT_WORKS for more info on how guards are expanded within Expat.
Union Patterns
This is an Expat feature that lets you compose many named patterns into a single union pattern. They are explained best with code, see bellow.
Using unions, you can emulate things like Algebraic data types
For some examples, see:
Your named pattern macros will be generated with documentation about what variables
they take and what they will expand to. If you are in IEx, be sure to checkout their
documentation using something like: h Voting.Patterns.adult
Also, be sure to read the documentation, and checkout some of the tests.
Happy Pattern Matching!
def deps do
{:expat, "~> 1.0"}