pg_background copied to clipboard
The v_1.2 zip is missing - pg_background--1.0--1.2.sql - pg_background--1.1--1.2.sql - pg_background--1.2.sql as a result it cant be used
`select pg_background_result(PID);` consistently returns the following error `Query 1 ERROR: ERROR: function returning record called in context that cannot accept type record HINT: Try calling the function in the FROM...
The ESSENCE of this question is... does it do any harm to ignore the results? Just run the code and let it finish... Will it close things up properly when...
If pg_background_launch function is called from non-interactive session, i.e. psql -c "pg_background_launch(...)" then pg_background is failed with "Unable to map dynamic shared memory segment" message. It happens because dynamic shared...
Steps to reproduce the problem: 1. Open two sessions for database (S1 and S2) 2. Execute `LISTEN test_background;` in S1 3. Execute `NOTIFY test_background, '1';select pg_background_detach(pg_background_launch('NOTIFY test_background, ''2'';'));` in S2...
I have several xml extractions from table xml to table A,B,C,D,E,F which I am running in parallel. They take about 1 minute to run. I have pg_sleep in my loop...
Installed pg_background version 1.1 and created the extension in a PostgreSQL 15 database. Running following commands works with version 1.1 of the extension: ``` postgres=# SELECT pg_background_launch('select firstname from name');...
### We have a table in Postgres where **data will be inserting frequently** for example 100000 records at a time. So, the problem is that **we got dynamic memory error**...
Some fields of ErrorData structure are translated back to server encoding before rethrowing the error in order to resolve issue #37 .