Same behavior using matomo 4.9.0
Same issue on matomo docker: Matomo: 4.9.1 MySQL: 8.0.29 PHP: 8.0.19 5619 lines parsed, 4800 lines recorded, 2 records/sec (avg), 0 records/sec (current) 2022-05-13 08:53:57,140: [INFO] Error when connecting to...
I had same kind of problem, due to Referrer-Policy tag Could you check it with
Hi, I had the same question. Currently "download button" seems always enabled, when "social" option is active and always disabled otherwise. I think it will be better to dissociate "social"...
Previously same problem. Fixed using the last 1.2.12 version. Configuration : - Home Assistant Core 2022.6.6 installed via docker method - home-assistant-tapo-p100 1.2.12 installed via "Manual way" - TAPO L530...
Same question concerning RESTBED client, tag as "deprecated" in documentation and in code. The message invite to "see restless for an alternative implementation". But at the same time, restless project...