
Results 67 comments of Via

Oh my god this needs to be placed or at least linked to chronologically i read this so many times and skipped it every time because i thought it was...

> has any progress been made on this topic? Pretty sure none has

> well that's kinda sad Still the one thing holding me back from really daily driving matrix (including screen sharing with audio, but id at least use it a lot...

> is this being worked on? it would be really useful to me and it's probably the one missing feature to make matrix work as good as discord for me...

izzyondroid appears to be pretty out of date btw

I'm not sure what to do, or if there's any special configuration required with caddy, but I'm getting the same issue where the logs just spit out my browser whenever...

Alright, so it appears that the blank page, is referencing other content. All of this content is served under http, instead of https, thus making the browser not trust it...