Ville Hakulinen
Ville Hakulinen
What happens currently if you try to use the smarter tabline with gnvim? I'm a bit skeptical if we need to add custom functionalities to gnvim for this.
> I don't think I can use it with GNvim currently? I have no idea, hence the question. I dont think it'll work. Doing something gnvim specific to achieve the...
It might be worth it to go over to nvim's gitter and ask about this from the nvim devs.
> As a sidenote I collaborated for a brief time on Oni and one of the things that I think degraded quality over time was the increasing surface area of...
Didn't even knew about `keymap` or `i_ctrl-^` but it seems to be working just fine for me. If you run `gnvim` from terminal, do you see something along these lines...
Keyval 65505 is left shift for me. If you just press just left shift, will it give you the same message? The second line is irrelevant to this problem.
Have you tried with an empty `init.vim`? Using `-u NONE` will make gnvim unable to load its runtime files (which are required), so empty init file is required instead.
Just to make sure, did you run `gnvim -- -u `? Also, are you able to just type `^` in insert mode?
I enabled ukrainian keyboard layout on my machine, and after setting `:set keymap=ukrainian-jcuken` I was not able to type `^` in insert mode (same as you) while I was able...
The "No matching autocommands" message is unrelated to this problem, and should be fixed in 4b248cd. `Failed to turn input event into nvim key...` messages are mostly for debugging purposes....