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Wizard's Arcane Tamper
What this does
Gives wizards this targeted spell, worth 20 points and with a cooldown of 30-20 seconds (subject to change) Starts with a range of 1 tile, can be upgraded to full view and then recursively cursing contents (including stuff on floors) Allows giving items anomalous and sometimes hindering properties, currently implemented ones are: (checked if fully tested working)
- [x] Doors will teleport the user to another door and open it if crossed when open
- [x] Closets will suck the user inside, close and weld shut (or just the last two if the first isn't possible)
- [x] Tables flip YOU
- [x] Chairs buckle YOU (and cannot be taken off until blessed)
- [x] Kickable dense, anchored items kick YOU
- [x] Emags get a small chance to arcane tamper instead, and another to do both
- [x] IDs will only work for a random access every 30 seconds
- [x] Welding tools "welderbomb" anything they try to weld, with a less powerful and non-breaching explosion. If used on an item when off it will refill.
- [x] Welding fuel tanks welderbomb regardless of on/off state of welder
- [x] Food will cause the user's mouth to go through the item and bite their hand instead, at the same rate they would eat the food.
- [x] Drinking glasses will stick to the hand of whoever picked it up, cause pain, and be constantly refilled with their own blood
- [x] Insulated gloves become budget insulated gloves in function
- [x] Electrical toolboxes have their contents deleted and replaced with budget insulated gloves
- [x] Toolboxes lose all their robusting power
- [x] Envelopes gain 10 throwforce, and default throw speed and range
- [x] Paper, comms consoles and requests consoles will distort or markov chain the text of anything written on it
- [x] Pens will write on paper with the user's own blood supply
- [x] All dices become unfair mysterious d20s, obviously capped lower if there's less dice sides
- [x] Fabricators and vending machines will now only dispense rubber ducks or their stock also arcane tampered, with a half chance between each
- [x] Slot and lotto machines will only dispense money as ducks (cube root for each)
- [x] Bike horns will act like the syndicate one/honkerblast only on the spell being cast on it (this is supposed to hinder, not turn it into an OP item)
- [x] Telepads and their computers will teleport bread of various kinds
- [x] Rubber duckies become (toy) singulos
- [x] Toy singulos pull people in like a level 1 singulo
- [x] Shuttle computers will reset the shuttle time from anywhere between 10 seconds or 3 minutes at random, once off
- [x] Safes reset their dials and tumblers as soon as they align
- [x] Machine frames build into broken cooking machinery of various types
- [x] Computer frames build into old useless ones as found on the arrivals shuttle
- [x] Canisters will always dump their contents into the room and never the attached tank
- [x] All hackable wires shock anyone trying to interact with them instead of doing anything if the tool is tampered
- [x] Tampered keys inserted into vehicles act like screwdrivers (brain damage instead of starting them) and vice versa
- [x] Potted plants and couches distribute the cached item to a random area tile without density, akin to dimensional push
- [x] Random artifacts get their effects randomized again, with effects on by default
- [x] Hydroponics trays block harvesting or removal of their plants, and instead sting and inject people with their chems. Their plants are also like this, with not even botany gloves blocking the effect. This carries over with all associated seeds and vines
- [x] Microwaves spawn burned messes, muck and break if they get tampered or if any inserted food item is tampered
- [x] Mirrors and pocket mirrors shift the user to a random species, hair and facial hair style
- [x] Spacecash inserted into ATMs and PDAs will lose a random amount of value inserted (anywhere between 1-100%)
- [x] Forks and spoon cause the user to eat them, causing brute damage to insides
- [x] Wires shock you when placed even if disconnected to the grid
- [x] Cannons have their damage formula reverted so a heavy item is better
- [x] Supermatter explodes limited to up/down/left/right like a bomberman bomb, doesn't generate power and has its emergency warning thresholds reduced by 90% (but not explosion threshold)
- [x] Singularities turn into the spinning toy replica if at stage one, otherwise invert to being a white hole if possible
- [x] AMEs always looks like they're about to explode
- [x] Conveyors move backwards relative to their animation (animation goes left, stuff gets pushed right)
- [x] Cleaner grenades produce a random fluorosurfactant of flour, radium, blood, carbon, fuel, oil or lube
- [x] Wind grenades produce an oxygenated plasmaflood
- [x] Janicarts/mops dirty the tile instead
- [x] Meat spikes and gibbers spit out tofu instead of meat, including if just the mob is tampered
- [x] Pills replace the displayed name with floorpill ones
- [x] Switchtools randomize the selected module's icons and names
- [x] Banana peels slip the person that dropped them, does not slip when stepped on
- [x] Stasis beakers lose their no-react
- [x] Plasma beakers turn any reaction inside them into the smoke
- [x] Bluespace beakers only hold 25 units, large ones only 10
- [x] Supermatter beakers no longer heat
- [x] Genetic syringes inject a random disability instead of powers
- [x] Arcades play outbomb cuban pete instead (some other game idea some other time) but rewards a wizarditis culture bottle and wizard garb instead
- [x] All items act as if held by someone with clumsiness
- [x] Strange coffee machines [REDACTED] seeds floating in it
- [x] Old vendotrons [DATA EXPUNGED]
All of these are heavily subject to change and curable by blessing the item with holy water or killing the wizard. Blessing the item also recursively removes arcane tampering from all items inside, so useful on floors too.
Why it's good
Good varied usage spell for messing with station items, lot of experimentation potential.
- rscadd: Gives wizards a new spell: Arcane Tamper, allowing them to bestow anomalous properties on afflicted items
How do you remove these properties
How do you remove these properties
splashing holy water on them, any other or better ideas?
Sounds cool
How do you remove these properties
splashing holy water on them, any other or better ideas?
Killing the wizard neutering all the unholy effects as well would work.
Killing the wizard should remove it too simply because there's not always going to be a chaplain around for easy access to it and going through cargo is extremely tedious (and also not always an option)
>Chairs buckle YOU (and cannot be taken off even if blessed, is a bug but will keep in if it's funny enough) Can you at least unwrench them? Also, does targeting a person do anything?
>Defibrilators revive dead people as zombies I'd avoid this one, most players don't know how to revive zombies so it's effectively permadeath and it's way too easy to get accidentally griefed into being unrevivable this way.
Chairs buckle YOU (and cannot be taken off even if blessed, is a bug but will keep in if it's funny enough) Can you at least unwrench them? Also, does targeting a person do anything?
i'd imagine you can since it just locks the atom, and no not yet, but i have ideas
Defibrilators revive dead people as zombies I'd avoid this one, most players don't know how to revive zombies so it's effectively permadeath and it's way too easy to get accidentally griefed into being unrevivable this way.
can remove it, its a machine one covered by emags anyways
Killing the wizard neutering all the unholy effects as well would work.
added this now
does the undead lich skeleton revive wizard dying and respawning clear all the tampered items? i would only neuter everything if the wizard gets killed a specific way, guillotine maybe? once he's captured and put on top of a conduction plate?
although a wizard spell that doesn't keep the round gunked for an hour after he's killed might be fine too
I like it more without the reversing after the wizard's killed. Could also try it at first without that and then if people find it too chaotic or overpowered in game, add the removal-on-death.
Spitballing some ideas
Cursing food replaces the nutriment with lipozine. Cursing vending machines makes them fall on top of people. Cursing the destructive analyzer makes it kick people back. Cursing masks makes them disfigure you. Cursing any item makes it act like a boomerang when thrown.
Would a faint sparkling effect on tampered objects be too lame?
Defibrilators revive dead people as zombies I'd avoid this one, most players don't know how to revive zombies so it's effectively permadeath and it's way too easy to get accidentally griefed into being unrevivable this way.
can remove it, its a machine one covered by emags anyways
Maybe give them the happy mask shading instead? Less chance of permakilling, but still an "oh fuck what?" moment.
Cursing masks makes them disfigure you.
Or makes them function like a random mysterious mask?
Would a faint sparkling effect on tampered objects be too lame?
gonna use some purply one for it, there's a reason this is draft as time of writing
I like it more without the reversing after the wizard's killed. Could also try it at first without that and then if people find it too chaotic or overpowered in game, add the removal-on-death.
yeah i'm actually more in favour of this now, since arcane tampered items will indirectly out a wizard as being alive like that
I like it more without the reversing after the wizard's killed. Could also try it at first without that and then if people find it too chaotic or overpowered in game, add the removal-on-death.
yeah i'm actually more in favour of this now, since arcane tampered items will indirectly out a wizard as being alive like that
What if the wizard's death slowly uncurses the items? Like, one every minute. So you don't really know if the wizard is dead or alive. You just know that this particular chair no longer buckles you in place, clearly someone blessed the curse away.
I still think they need to go away when the wizard is dead. I don't think wizard should be irreversibly (holy water is very unreliable to obtain) cursing everything on station with an invis cape and having it persist through death.
Make the spell robeless
upgrade to affect all things on a person
upgrade to affect all things on a person
if you get a hold of their backpack it recursively affects everything inside it, same with all storage stuff
also do you guys think this should be limited range like buttblasting or not? i made it like that by accident at first then decided it was better not to
Tier one range limited. Tier 2 range unlimited, Tier 3 can curse backpacks without taking them out.
Having it as a projectile (that could ricochet off of walls and stuff) would be fun. If it hits a person it could tamper with the clothing covering the bodypart it hits.
Tier one range limited. Tier 2 range unlimited, Tier 3 can curse backpacks without taking them out.
i actually like this, implemented
Tier one range limited. Tier 2 range unlimited, Tier 3 can curse backpacks without taking them out.
i actually like this, implemented
Neat. Make sure it isn't too expensive to go tier 3, just expensive enough.
Tier one range limited. Tier 2 range unlimited, Tier 3 can curse backpacks without taking them out.
i actually like this, implemented
Neat. Make sure it isn't too expensive to go tier 3, just expensive enough.
it's about 80 in total. reduce?
it's about 80 in total. reduce?
Yes. To somewhere around 60, since this spell by its very nature requires you to be mobile and getting only 20 points to get utility spells is kinda iffy. 60 to max the tamper spell, with 40 to go for utility/survival, that's a more balanced cost.
it's about 80 in total. reduce?
Yes. To somewhere around 60, since this spell by its very nature requires you to be mobile and getting only 20 points to get utility spells is kinda iffy. 60 to max the tamper spell, with 40 to go for utility/survival, that's a more balanced cost.
Tier one range limited. Tier 2 range unlimited, Tier 3 can curse backpacks without taking them out.
i actually like this, implemented
Neat. Make sure it isn't too expensive to go tier 3, just expensive enough.
it's about 80 in total. reduce?
I liked this PR before this however being able to tamper with a backpack without the person even knowing and gunking everything in it, is a bit powergay and pretty sneakycode to do so after the PR has been voted on.
Especially for 60 points, you could just spam blink upgraded + tamper and indefinitely fuck with people. Most rounds aren't going to have a Chaplin to do the blessing to reverse it otherwise.
If an emag has a small chance to tamper, how will you know that it's happened? Will the toy singlo's gib or just pull people?
Suggestion: mirrors (wall and hand ones) shifting species / appearance when you try and use them
Suggestion: mirrors (wall and hand ones) shifting species / appearance when you try and use them