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Error in uploading a file to SharePoint using example provided
I need to upload a file to share point and using example provided done this:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Office365\GraphServiceClient;
use Office365\Runtime\Auth\AADTokenProvider;
use Office365\Runtime\Auth\UserCredentials;
use Office365\SharePoint\ClientContext;
use Office365\SharePoint\ListItem;
use Office365\SharePoint\File;
use Office365\SharePoint\ListTemplateType; use Office365\SharePoint\SPList; use Office365\SharePoint\SPResourcePath;
$siteUrl = "";
$relativeUrl = "/faturas";
$username = "[email protected]";
$password = "mysecret";
$credentials = new UserCredentials("{$username}", $password);
$client = (new ClientContext("{$siteUrl}{$relativeUrl}"))->withCredentials($credentials);
$caminho_site = getcwd(); $temp_folder = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$caminho_site,"download"] );
/////do upload
$file = "test.pdf"; $targetFolder = "{$relativeUrl}/Documentos Partilhados/boda"; $targetFile = $targetFolder ."/".$file; $file_path = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$temp_folder,$file] );
$fileContent = file_get_contents($file_path);
Office365\SharePoint\File::saveBinary($client, $targetFile,$fileContent); die("Not Working");
Got error: Fatal error: Uncaught Office365\Runtime\Http\RequestException: {"error":{"code":"-2130575338, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException","message":{"lang":"pt-PT","value":"O ficheiro /faturas/Documentos Partilhados/boda/test.pdf n\u00e3o existe."}}} in C:\xampp\htdocs\sharep\vendor\vgrem\php-spo\src\Runtime\ClientRequest.php on line 214 Translating the file "test.pdf" does not exist in folder... sure, I want to upload it
Office365\Runtime\Http\RequestException: {"error":{"code":"-2130575338, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException","message":{"lang":"pt-PT","value":"O ficheiro /faturas/Documentos Partilhados/boda/test.pdf n\u00e3o existe."}}} in C:\xampp\htdocs\sharep\vendor\vgrem\php-spo\src\Runtime\ClientRequest.php on line 214
Using latest phpSPO, xampp for windows php7.4
Can someone point me what is wrong? I used the code from examples provided Many thanks
@jcarval I'm having the same issue, did you manage to solve this?
@jcarval @jasgreen @vgrem
I had a similar problem using the Office365\SharePoint\File::openBinary function. When you look into the source file phpSPO/src/SharePoint/File.php and search for the openBinary and saveBinary function there is a line declaring the $url (2nd line in the function)
This is :
$url = $ctx->getServiceRootUrl() . "Web/getfilebyserverrelativeurl('{$serverRelativeUrl}')/\$value";
But it shoud be
$url = $ctx->getServiceRootUrl() . "/Web/getfilebyserverrelativeurl('{$serverRelativeUrl}')/\$value";
The / in front of Web is missing so you get an invalid URL like _apiWeb instead of _api/Web
If somebody can change this
Looks like this code is now changed:
Does this fix your issue @cmollink ?
Though this was already patched in July 2022. Maybe it wasn't in the release you are running? Maybe you are still on the 2.x version (instead of say 3.1.1)