Office365-REST-Python-Client copied to clipboard
Use the filter with Large List
#Question Hello, I managed to read a large list using the paged attribute from the items in a list as:
def load_data_from_SharePoint(list_obj,lim):
list_items = list_obj.items.paged(True).top(lim).get().execute_query()
fields = list_items[0].properties.keys()
data_list = list()
for item in list_items:
dict_returned = dict()
dict_returned['data'] = data_list
dict_returned['keys'] = fields
return dict_returned
The others pieces of code needed are:
def obtain_list_object(list_name,credenciales):
from office365.sharepoint.client_context import ClientContext
#Conexión al servidor
ctx = ClientContext(credenciales['tenant']).with_credentials(credenciales['client_credentials'])
#Obtención del objeto list
list_obj = ctx.web.lists.get_by_title(list_name)
return list_obj
def user_credentials(config):
from office365.runtime.auth.client_credential import ClientCredential
credenciales = dict()
#Datos del servidor
client_id = config['client_id']
client_secret = config['client_secret']
tenant = config['url']
client_credentials = ClientCredential(client_id,client_secret)
credenciales['client_credentials'] = client_credentials
credenciales['tenant'] = tenant
return credenciales
Note that i have issues when the list is empty in "fields = list_items[0].properties.keys()" and I usually add a try, exception there.
The question comes here with this code:
def load_data_SharePoint_with_filter(list_obj,lim,id_AMIS):
dict_returned = dict()
querystring = "id_AMIS eq "+id_AMIS
col = "*"
list_items = list_obj.items.paged(True).top(lim).get().select(col).filter(querystring).execute_query()
fields = list_items[0].properties.keys()
fields = 'empty'
data_list = list()
for item in list_items:
dict_returned['data'] = data_list
dict_returned['keys'] = list(fields)
return dict_returned
ClientRequestException: ('-2147024860, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQueryThrottledException', 'La operación que se intentó realizar está prohibida porque supera el umbral de vista de lista.', "500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: confidential_url/_api/Web/lists/GetByTitle('Test_AMIS_v2')/items?$select=*&$filter=id_AMIS%20eq%20379038&$top=4500")
This is the typal error when you have a large list and try to fetch the values without the paged(True) in the code above.
So what I try is to obtain a specific row, or specific rows in a 10.000+ rows List in a SharePoint. Someone knows how I could manage this case?
I'm trying to figure out the same thing, let me know if you solve it :)
I also have this problem, but... On the examples section in the repository you can find an example on how to read large lists using a EventHandler property What I'm finding weird is that the getItems function doesn't properly return the itmes, as in it doesn't return the complete list, so I think you have to code something to get a returned object where you push every x items that the paged event grabs.
Helo @vgrem , Did you see the issue here? I don't know if I explained correctly my question, thank you.
Dear @vgrem and all may we get any solution to filter by a field in large list (5000+ items)?
Thank you