html2image copied to clipboard
Broken on 3.7.x
../../.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/framey-KJJC3bmX-py3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/html2image/ in <module>
from html2image.browsers import chrome, chrome_cdp, edge # , firefox, firefox_cdp
E File "<fstring>", line 1
E (r.json()=)
E ^
E SyntaxError: invalid syntax
in centos system comment code about "chrome_cdp, edge" of works for me:
from html2image.browsers import chrome # , chrome_cdp, edge # , firefox, firefox_cdp
browser_map = {
'chrome': chrome.ChromeHeadless,
'chromium': chrome.ChromeHeadless,
'google-chrome': chrome.ChromeHeadless,
'googlechrome': chrome.ChromeHeadless,
# 'edge': edge.EdgeHeadless,
# 'chrome-cdp': chrome_cdp.ChromeCDP,
# 'chromium-cdp': chrome_cdp.ChromeCDP,
# 'firefox': firefox.FirefoxHeadless,
# 'mozilla-firefox': firefox.FirefoxHeadless,
# 'firefox-cdp': firefox_cdp.FirefoxCDP,