Vladimir S. FONOV

Results 8 issues of Vladimir S. FONOV

If a model contains nn.VolumetricMaxPooling module (probably same goes for SpatialMaxPooling), and nn.VolumetricMaxUnpooling and then converted to cudnn using cudnn.convert, then at execution time following message shows up: ``` /home/vfonov/src/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/nn/THNN.lua:110:...

Probably the same problem as other recent Fujifilm non-lossless compressed raw support, like https://github.com/darktable-org/rawspeed/issues/255 and https://github.com/darktable-org/rawspeed/issues/232 There is a file with non-lossless compression from X-E4 in the raw files repository.

Separated png module from opengl, by splitting it into png and png_opengl, so that it's possible to have PNG reading and writing without opengl headers. Added a unit test for...

discussion needed

It would be nice to be able to call fTetWild instead or in addition to igl::copyleft::tetgen::tetrahedralize Also, it's under MPL license, so should easy to include in python binding. And...


Updated IR Remote library, added a new format for IRsend command. - IR send and recieve are now handled by a port of [IRremoteESP8266](https://github.com/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266.git) - `IRsend` command now supports command...

I implemented method Johan Trygg and Svante Wold. Orthogonal projections to latent structures (O-PLS). J. Chemometrics 2002; 16: 119-128. DOI: [10.1002/cem.695] It's in the form of pre-filtering step that can...

Updated mincPlotSliceSeries to be able to specify alternative colours and also a mask for the anatomical volume going from ![20220610_voxel_tvalue_KO](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/628822/174188645-7ce57f7b-64ee-47c5-bce5-38b76b649468.png) to ![20220616_voxel_tvalue_KO_w](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/628822/174188689-315b74d6-1a0f-4606-8ee5-30be8461eb3f.png)

Hello, I converted configuration part to use cmake, take a look in https://github.com/vfonov/RMINC/tree/cmake take a look, if it's usefull for you.