Vincent Fazio
Vincent Fazio
I mentioned it in, but it should be possible to workaround this issue by telling virtualenv the version of pip to use when seeding the venvs: ``` VIRTUALENV_PIP=23.3.2 pre-commit...
New virtualenv tag that bumps pip to 24.0
@sigmavirus24 pip 23.3.2 technically fixed it, but no version of virtualenv was tagged with that version (though it would have slowly picked up the new pip at some point due...
For reference:
Should be fixed by #382 This is also likely related to
> Thanks Vincent - removing (in my case on a Mac) /usr/local/Cellar/ipmitool/1.8.19/share/misc/enterprise-numbers did allow it to run, albeit with the 'No such file or directory' error. Will the new IANA...
the other option is fetching the file and replacing your current one from
> Just curious - I've been looking at earlier/older ipmitool installs and there does not seem to be a standalone enterprise-numbers files It was generated at compile time in previous...
> DId anyone in this thread get this working? If so what did you do? I've tried every workaround I can find to try. This broke for my entire team....
I think i've seen something similar when using ipxe.efi on Icelake NACs which use ice (i think). i ended up working around this by only using snp/snponly. If i can...