Vincent Fazio
Vincent Fazio
@popcornmix thanks I thought @jlinton mentioned that setting the clock and then retrieving it still returned 0... I can try playing around with uboot to see what happens with: 1....
I can confirm that, within u-boot at least, if i issue `SET_CLOCK_RATE`, i receive the requested rate in the response to the request and in a subsequent `GET_CLOCK_RATE` message ```...
@jlinton i'll test that in a bit. I was trying to divine what's being done in the Linux driver, the logic is a little different than what's being done in...
Setting the core clock (4) to the max maintains the higher speeds ``` MMC: bcm2835: get_clock_rate response 4 0 bcm2835: get_max_clock_rate response 4 400000000 bcm2835: set_clock_rate response 4 400000000 mmc@7e202000:...
@nullr0ute I'll push something soonish. There may be two patches, one to implement the logic that's being used in Linux re letting the firmware manage the clock, and another likely...
@nullr0ute This is based on the 2021.07 release: but they'll probably apply cleanly to 2021.04. I'll try to submit the series to upstream tomorrow once i'm comfortable with the...
I did push these to U-Boot's patchwork we'll see if they get included in the october release..
@warsaw As the author of the PEP, do you have thoughts on this?
@warsaw thanks for taking the time to respond. I think the first and most important question is: does Python support and plan to continue to support source-less distributions? If it's...
Hmm ok, i'll have to look into this further. I guess I was expecting to see more rigor than that a single sourceless import worked and more like the entire...