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angular-fancy-modal - the definitive modal/popup/dialog solution for AngularJS.



The definitive modal/popup/dialog solution for AngularJS. Modal dialogs and popups for Angular.js (>=1.2.x) applications. Mobile friendly out of the box.

Build Status

Brought to you by Alessandro Arnodo [@vesparny]

See a working demo with examples on usage.


via bower:

bower install angular-fancy-modal --save

or clone this repository for using the unstable version.


You need only to include angular-fancy-modal.js and angular-fancy-modal.css to your project and then you can start using it:

var app = angular.module('exampleApp', ['vesparny.fancyModal']);

app.controller('MyCtrl', function ($scope, $fancyModal) {
	$ = function () {
		${ templateUrl: 'popupTmpl.html' });


$fancyModal service provides easy to use and minimalistic API, but in the same time it's powerful enough. Here is the list of accessible methods that you can use:



Method allows to open modal dialog. It accepts options object as the only argument.


$modal is a service to quickly create AngularJS-powered modal windows. Creating custom modals is straightforward: create a partial view, its controller and reference them when using the service.

The $modal service has only one method: open(options) where available options are like follows:

  • templateUrl - a path to a template representing modal's content
  • template - inline template representing the modal's content
  • scope - a scope instance to be used for the modal's content (actually the $modal service is going to create a child scope of a provided scope). Defaults to $rootScope
  • controller - a controller for a modal instance - it can initialize scope used by modal. Accepts the "controller-as" syntax in the form 'SomeCtrl as myctrl';Every controller will have a $modal object instance in its scope, useful for closing the dialog.
  • resolve - members that will be resolved and passed to the controller as locals; it is equivalent of the resolve property for AngularJS routes
  • showCloseButton - dispay or not the close button (default true)
  • closeOnEscape - close dialog by pressing escape key (default true)
  • closeOnOverlayClick - close dialog by clicking on the overlay (default true)
  • overlay - display overlay (default true)
  • themeClass - theme css class name to add to modal window
  • bodyClass - css class to add to body
  • openingClass - css class to add to modal content while opening
  • closingClass - css class to add to modal content while closing
  • openingOverlayClass - css class to add to modal overlay while opening
  • closingOverlayClass - css class to add to modal overlay while closing



Calling the .close method on an instance returned by the .open method will close the relative modal, calling the method on the $fancyModal service will close every opened modal.



You're able to set default settings through $fancyModalProvider:

var app = angular.module('myApp', ['vesparny.fancyModal']);
app.config(['$fancyModalProvider', function ($fancyModalProvider) {
		themeClass: 'fancy-modal-theme-default'


The open() method returns an object with some useful properties.

id {String}

This is the DOM ID of the modal which was just created.

close {Function}

This is a function which will close the modal opened before.

opened {Promise}

A promise which will resolve when the modal is fully loaded.


var modal = ${
  templateUrl: 'template.html',
modal.opened.then(function() {



By default $fancyModal module is served with fancy-modal directive which can be used as attribute for buttons, links, etc. All .open() options are available through attributes.


<button type="button"
	Open dialog


Everytime when $fancyModal is opened or closed we're broadcasting three events (dispatching events downwards to all child scopes):

  • $fancyModal.opened

  • $fancyModal.closed


$rootScope.$on('$fancyModal.opened', function (e, $modal) {
	console.log('$fancyModal opened: ' + $modal.attr('id'));

$rootScope.$on('$fancyModal.closed', function (e, id) {
	console.log('$fancyModal closed: ' + id);


The project contains one theme that show how easily you can create your own. Check example folder for demonstration purposes.


Inspired by awesome Hubspot/Vex jQuery modals and ngDialog


clone this repository then

npm install
npm install -g gulp
bower install
gulp test


PR and issues reporting are always welcome :) see also file.


See file


See file