Theo M. Bulut

Results 66 comments of Theo M. Bulut

Channels from procs -> supervisor would solve close problems. @azastrael implemented most parts of it. It should prevent the mentioned problems above.

Tests should test at least thundering herd on close. #60 Can be closed when #60 is closed.

Spin loop needed before yielding the Children, Supervisor references. Tests surfaced this.

We were talking about this on Discord, we will go with either `dashmap` or `flurry`.

Dynamically spawned supervisors and processes should be available. futures should able to run a supervisor and place them under the tree.

@azastrael mentioned to not move whole environment to `Fn`. Creates unnecessary copies.

Hi Alec; Thanks for your response. That is very helpful. Let me add my observations here: > Printing the expected schema (which I guess is happening for you as part...

Would be cool, I will jump to chat soon.

> (Btw., It would be great if there was a way to access the global executer ("const EXECUTER") or a generic function that generates an executer according to the selected...

I will start writing this week. :)