vertx-kafka-client copied to clipboard
Reactive Kafka Client for Vert.x
Currently the `KafkaReadStream` delivers item by batch of `10` (this should be configurable btw). When doing seek operations, the stream needs to be paused otherwise the handler will likely receive...
When using the rx-java2 package, the IDE suggests using the `reactivex` package for various classes, including Buffer. However that's not really working, when using the BufferDeserializer. ``` io.reactivex.exceptions.OnErrorNotImplementedException: io.vertx.core.buffer.impl.BufferImpl cannot...
While reading documentation dedicated to scala API it is assumed that API can be consumed from the dependency: ```xml io.vertx vertx-kafka-client 3.5.1 ``` In fact, it can't. *Reproducer*: 1....
Looks like sth. went wrong during codegen, both void commit(Map, Handler); and Single rxCommit(Map); are missing from `io.vertx.reactivex.kafka.client.consumer.KafkaConsumer` and `io.vertx.rxjava.kafka.client.consumer.KafkaConsumer`. ```sh javap -classpath vertx-kafka-client-3.5.0.jar io.vertx.reactivex.kafka.client.consumer.KafkaConsumer | grep -Fi commit\( ```...
Here is my gradle config: ``` buildscript { repositories { maven { url '' } jcenter() } dependencies { classpath 'com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:2.0.1' } } apply plugin: 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' apply plugin: 'groovy' if...
### Version 4.5.7 ### Context When wrong property is given in the Kafka properties it stops doing anything. No error, no logs, no nothing. It also doesn't continue processing. I...
### Questions When connection is not established and try to close producer connection, there is block for around 1min. This is because `Promise trampolineProm = ctx.promise();` is executing in `io.vertx.kafka.client.producer.impl.KafkaWriteStreamImpl.close(long):272`....
### Version 4.X ### Context When creating a shared producer from a Verticle it should stay alive (aka not closed) till the Verticle `close(..)` method finished. Currently shared producers register...
### Version 4.5.9 ### Context The `io.vertx.kafka.client.consumer.OffsetAndMetadata` doesn't respect the equals and hashcode contract. I encountered it while I was writing unit tests and IMO it looks like a bug...