progress copied to clipboard
Nothing shows up on screen in Python 3.8
Is the package deprecated for newer versions of python?
Tried with docker 3.8.4 it looks fine
To repeat:
> docker run -itd --name py3.8 python:3.8
> docker exec -it py3.8 pip install progress ipython
> docker exec -it py3.8 ipython
Python 3.8.4 (default, Jul 14 2020, 02:56:59)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.16.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]: from import Bar
In [2]: Bar().next()
| | 1/100
Have the same issue.
I have the same problem too in Python 3.8
from import Bar
with Bar('Processing', max=20) as bar:
for i in range(20):
@sgolestanian I ran the same code and it works fine for me. On what OS are you running the code and maybe even the terminal?
@sgolestanian I ran the same code and it works fine for me. On what OS are you running the code and maybe even the terminal?
On windows 10 and spyder IDE
On windows 10 and spyder IDE
I tried it out on Spyder and yes it doesn't work.
Spyder uses an integrated IPython console to run code. Although this snippets works with running IPython directly from terminal instead of from inside Spyder, so the problem maybe caused by how Spyder manages stdout
for IPython. I would suggest you try running the same snippet from a terminal emulator.
I had the same problem with pycharm console. The solution in #83 solves it perfectly. You just need to set check_tty=False
like: ChargingBar("Mixing", max=100, check_tty=False)
might be worth it to post the solution in the readMe. I also stumbled upon this