turbo icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
turbo copied to clipboard

Abilitity to globally (or in-repo-lly), oput out of all cloud prompts / flags / help / info

Open NullVoxPopuli opened this issue 2 years ago • 5 comments

Describe the feature you'd like to request

For my uses, the monorepos I work with are either

  • too small for relying on cloud caching to be useful
  • for work with very script non-cloud security guidelines

I'm still evaluating turborepo for use in our 150+ project monorepo, and I'd like to hide all the cloud/vercel/login information from --help output (and block the functionality from working entirely).

Describe the solution you'd like

could the "turbo" entry in package.json have a setting for disabling cloud/vercel?


  "turbo": {
     "cloudEnabled": false,
     "pipeline": { }

This would mean:

yarn turbo --help


❯ yarn turbo --help
yarn run v1.22.17
$ /✂️/limber/node_modules/.bin/turbo --help
Usage: turbo [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]

Available commands are:
    link      Link your local directory to a Vercel organization and enable remote caching.
    login     Login to your Vercel account
    logout    Logout of your Turborepo account
    me        DEPRECATED - Print user information about the current Turborepo.com account
    prune     Prepare a subset of your monorepo
    run       Run a task
    unlink    Unlink the current directory from your Vercel organization and disable Remote Caching (beta).

Done in 0.14s.

❯ yarn turbo --help
yarn run v1.22.17
$ /✂️/limber/node_modules/.bin/turbo --help
Usage: turbo [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]

Available commands are:
    prune     Prepare a subset of your monorepo
    run       Run a task

Done in 0.14s.

yarn turbo run --help


❯ yarn turbo run --help
yarn run v1.22.17
$ /✂️/limber/node_modules/.bin/turbo run --help
Usage: turbo run <task> [options] ...

    Run tasks across projects in your monorepo.

    By default, turbo executes tasks in topological order (i.e.
    dependencies first) and then caches the results. Re-running commands for
    tasks already in the cache will skip re-execution and immediately move
    artifacts from the cache into the correct output folders (as if the task
    occurred again).

  --help                 Show this message.
  --scope                Specify package(s) to act as entry points for task
                         execution. Supports globs.
  --cache-dir            Specify local filesystem cache directory.
												 (default "./node_modules/.cache/turbo")
  --concurrency          Limit the concurrency of task execution. Use 1 for 
                         serial (i.e. one-at-a-time) execution. (default 10)
  --continue             Continue execution even if a task exits with an error
                         or non-zero exit code. The default behavior is to bail
                         immediately. (default false)
  --force                Ignore the existing cache (to force execution). 
                         (default false)
  --graph                Generate a Dot graph of the task execution.   
  --global-deps          Specify glob of global filesystem dependencies to 
	                       be hashed. Useful for .env and files in the root
												 directory. Can be specified multiple times.
  --since                Limit/Set scope to changed packages since a
                         mergebase. This uses the git diff ${target_branch}...
                         mechanism to identify which packages have changed.
  --team                 The slug of the turborepo.com team.                         
  --token                A turborepo.com personal access token.
  --ignore               Files to ignore when calculating changed files
                         (i.e. --since). Supports globs.
  --profile              File to write turbo's performance profile output into.
                         You can load the file up in chrome://tracing to see
                         which parts of your build were slow.
  --parallel             Execute all tasks in parallel. (default false)
  --include-dependencies Include the dependencies of tasks in execution.
                         (default false)
  --no-deps              Exclude dependent task consumers from execution.
                         (default false)
  --no-cache             Avoid saving task results to the cache. Useful for
                         development/watch tasks. (default false)
Done in 0.17s.


❯ yarn turbo run --help
yarn run v1.22.17
$ /✂️/limber/node_modules/.bin/turbo run --help
Usage: turbo run <task> [options] ...

    Run tasks across projects in your monorepo.

    By default, turbo executes tasks in topological order (i.e.
    dependencies first) and then caches the results. Re-running commands for
    tasks already in the cache will skip re-execution and immediately move
    artifacts from the cache into the correct output folders (as if the task
    occurred again).

  --help                 Show this message.
  --scope                Specify package(s) to act as entry points for task
                         execution. Supports globs.
  --cache-dir            Specify local filesystem cache directory.
												 (default "./node_modules/.cache/turbo")
  --concurrency          Limit the concurrency of task execution. Use 1 for 
                         serial (i.e. one-at-a-time) execution. (default 10)
  --continue             Continue execution even if a task exits with an error
                         or non-zero exit code. The default behavior is to bail
                         immediately. (default false)
  --force                Ignore the existing cache (to force execution). 
                         (default false)
  --graph                Generate a Dot graph of the task execution.   
  --global-deps          Specify glob of global filesystem dependencies to 
	                       be hashed. Useful for .env and files in the root
												 directory. Can be specified multiple times.
  --since                Limit/Set scope to changed packages since a
                         mergebase. This uses the git diff ${target_branch}...
                         mechanism to identify which packages have changed.
  --ignore               Files to ignore when calculating changed files
                         (i.e. --since). Supports globs.
  --profile              File to write turbo's performance profile output into.
                         You can load the file up in chrome://tracing to see
                         which parts of your build were slow.
  --parallel             Execute all tasks in parallel. (default false)
  --include-dependencies Include the dependencies of tasks in execution.
                         (default false)
  --no-deps              Exclude dependent task consumers from execution.
                         (default false)
  --no-cache             Avoid saving task results to the cache. Useful for
                         development/watch tasks. (default false)
Done in 0.17s.

Describe alternatives you've considered

I guess I could make another wrapper CLI and parse stdout... but that doesn't prevent folks from using the underlying commands

NullVoxPopuli avatar Dec 23 '21 16:12 NullVoxPopuli

If you don't use the login command or specify team id / team slug via command arguments or .turbo/config it would not call out to Vercel.

I have written my on remote cache to avoid cache artefacts being uploaded to Vercel for similar reasons as you and it works well. I don't think hiding it in --help will help in a due diligence / compliance manner.

weyert avatar Dec 24 '21 15:12 weyert

A lot of this was moved quickly over with search and replace for Turborepo.com and Vercel.com during integration. We can revisit language to clarify that it is not Vercel specific

jaredpalmer avatar Dec 24 '21 19:12 jaredpalmer

I mostly don't want devs to be tempted to so easily "try something out" and accidentally expose code

NullVoxPopuli avatar Dec 24 '21 20:12 NullVoxPopuli

I'm not sure it's a good pattern to hide CLI args from a help output based on config 🤔. Do you know of any other projects that do this @NullVoxPopuli?

mehulkar avatar Sep 08 '22 01:09 mehulkar

I do not. But seeing as how the average dev is overwhelmed by 'all the things', i figure it'd be good to configure for a team

NullVoxPopuli avatar Sep 08 '22 02:09 NullVoxPopuli