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React Hooks for Data Fetching

Results 188 swr issues
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# Bug report This is more of a "serious" Feature Request than a bug report. The idea here is that my application isn't 100% written in React. Some of the...

feature request

The behavior this this state is not documented. The documentation can be added here: https://swr.vercel.app/docs/options#return-values See also #192 .


There are scenarios when we want to ensure the request is revalidated upon focus regardless of whatever `dedupingInterval` was set. On the other hand, there are scenarios where we want...

feature request

I guess this is more of a general question than a bug report, but since suspense for data fetching will be the new gold standard, it worths to clarify, or...

area: suspense

# Bug report Using bound mutate with immer's produce sporadically returns an undefined item for produce to mutate, which causes a failure. Version: swr 0.5.6 **Observed Behavior** The object that...

reproduction needed

It would be helpful to introduce a new state `updatedAt`, which is a timestamp representing the last time we get the data from the fetcher or mutator. ## Use Case...

feature request

More information about this can be found in https://request-cancellation-test.vercel.app. What SWR can help here is to provide an `ignoreCancellationErrors` option which skips `onError` and `onErrorRetry` callbacks when an error matches...

feature request

I recently upgraded to SWR 1.1.0 and ran into some problems resulting from the switch from dequal to stableHash for SWR's `compare` option: * We use a custom fetcher that,...


When using the same hook in multiple places, setting `revalidateOnFocus` in one place does not work In most cases, I want `revalidateOnFocus` to be turned off by default (this can...

Add `tslib` and enable `importHelpers` for tsc.

on hold