swr icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
swr copied to clipboard


Open timurmaio opened this issue 4 years ago • 7 comments

Hello! React-query just released their devtools extension https://github.com/tannerlinsley/react-query-devtools. Do you have such plans in near future? I'm trying to decide which library to use and I almost desided to use swr, but then I saw react-query devtools. I will be grateful for the answer 😊

timurmaio avatar Mar 05 '20 18:03 timurmaio

Would be great to work on this once we have https://github.com/vercel/swr/issues/172. Callback APIs can be added so a plugin can execute code in:

  • beforeRevalidate
  • afterRevalidate
  • onError
  • onLoading
  • onSuccess
  • onFocus
  • ...

Therefore, we can create devtools/loggers/etc. on top of SWR.

shuding avatar Jun 06 '20 14:06 shuding

I'm in the exact same place. SWR's API > react-query's API, but I saw react-query-devtools and was really close to being swayed.

corysimmons avatar Jun 30 '20 17:06 corysimmons

FYI here's what I found. https://github.com/jjordy/swr-devtools

AshishKapoor avatar Sep 08 '21 10:09 AshishKapoor

Since this thread was created @shuding & others have introduced a middleware layer to SWR:

  • https://github.com/vercel/swr/discussions/1030
  • https://github.com/vercel/swr/pull/1160

It looks like @koba04 is currently experimenting with some DevTools: https://github.com/koba04/swr-devtools

You can get the Chrome Extension here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/swr-devtools/liidbicegefhheghhjbomajjaehnjned

Thanks for all your work on this @shuding and @koba04 ! Very excited!

corysimmons avatar Sep 08 '21 13:09 corysimmons

Hi. I'm currently working on a devtools based on react-query devtools. please check it out and if there's any suggestion/idea/issue i will be glad to hear. thanks.

code: https://github.com/rendinjast/swr-devtools demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/goofy-microservice-ehhkn

rendinjast avatar Jan 05 '22 06:01 rendinjast

@rendinjast Very pretty! 👏 How does it compare to the features @koba04's tool offers?

Also, could you make it available as a Chrome Extension?

corysimmons avatar Jan 05 '22 15:01 corysimmons

@corysimmons thank you.

Honesty, when I decided to develop it, I didn't know there's a DevTools for SWR.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I think @koba04's tool is based on handling the cache, but what I did is using Callback APIs in middleware, and it's a lot easier to add feature. For now besides actions and history there's not much difference. But my goal is to make it as powerful as react-query devtools. UI is already created, and it's very clean, so I can focus on functionality.

Yes I can, but currently my plan is adding more features. Maybe in the future.

Edit: v0.0.4 added feature: history list & Options Explorer

rendinjast avatar Jan 05 '22 21:01 rendinjast

We've had SWRDevTools now 🚀 https://swr.vercel.app/docs/advanced/devtools

koba04 avatar Dec 10 '22 07:12 koba04