serve copied to clipboard
Anyway to run npx serve constantly?
hi everyone,
Im new here and new to using the epg pulling, ive managed to setup and run all the guides i want as i want them with cronjobs etc and i can serve the files which is great im using them currently so firstly thankyou everyone involved :)
but my question is can i run npm/npx run serve constantly at all? so the .xml files will be accessible without me having to login and run the command, when i run either they seem to run for a hour or two and then i cant pull them anymore and have to re run the command.
Ive tried looking through the different files on serve too see if there's anything relating to this and i cant find anything but i apologise if this is clearly obvious or been asked before
many thanks in advance :)
i believe I've found a way too do this for anyone that's reading this and wondering how to do the same I used "forever" and ran the main script for serve in the epg directory :
npm install forever -g
forever start /epg/node_modules/serve/build/main.js
Hi im also try to deploy an epg is there a special configuration in the vercel.json that you add or you have to login to vercel and run a command please help
This is my config
{ "version": 2, "builds": [ { "src": "./node_modules/serve/build/main.js", "use": "@vercel/node" } ], "routes": [ {
"src": "/(.*)",
"dest": "/"