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Learn Next.js Starter Code

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1) How do I fix the following error: Type error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'UrlObject | RouteImple in app/ui/dashboard/nav-lins.tsx on line 33. 2) When I push new...

All this fix does is moving closing `` tag in the `LatestInvoicesSkeleton` component so that the skeleton looks as close as the actual `LatestInvoices` component Skeleton before: ![before]( Skeleton after:...

In Chapter 14, the actions.ts file is referenced as action.ts: ![image](

Bumps [jose]( from 4.15.4 to 5.2.3. Release notes Sourced from jose's releases. v5.2.3 Refactor move iv generation and optional outputs around (05c4351) v5.2.2 Fixes types: iv and tag is optional...


In the example we get an error on a non existing invoice id in lib/data.ts on line 171 which is caught in line 172 and rethrown as a new...

First, what are the differences between these two methods? In Chapter 8, we used **unstable_noStore** to mark the **fetchFilteredInvoices** method for dynamically fetching data. Later in Chapter 12, we used...

### What is the improvement or update you wish to see? Instructions could be updated to reflect the correct file structure or provide a full snippet of `nav-links.tsx` ### Is...

This is the picture, I dont know why. ![image]( ![image](

Hi all, I simulate a slow `deleteInvoice()` Server Action. No loading state/indicator applies. Perhaps, it is worth to enhance the tutorial with a best practice pattern. Or just read here...