hyper copied to clipboard
Vim mapping: <C-_> not working
[x] I am on the latest Hyper.app version
[x] I have searched the issues of this repo and believe that this is not a duplicate
OS version and name: Arch linux 4.9.51-1-lts
Hyper.app version: 2.0.4
Link of a Gist with the contents of your .hyper.js: (default, no changes) https://gist.github.com/fahrenq/76641024e0b06fe6083bf314955fc217
The issue is reproducible in vanilla Hyper.app: out of the box
In my Vim configuration I'm using this kind of mapping to CTRL + /
(slash which is on the left of right shift button:
map <C-_> <leader>c<Space>
It works in other terminals (tested in xfce terminal, guake, konsole, rxvt, gnome-terminal) but not in Hyper.
Just ran into this issue myself. Any movement here? I'm happy to provide logs etc. if that will help.