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[BigCommerce] Unimplemented My Orders page

Open WebcrazyDylan opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

I have confirmed that the My Orders page, which checks the purchase history after completing the product purchase, has not been implemented yet. Are there any plans to implement this feature? Currently My Order Page is below.

import type { GetStaticPropsContext } from 'next' import commerce from '@lib/api/commerce' import { Bag } from '@components/icons' import { Layout } from '@components/common' import { Container, Text } from '@components/ui'

export async function getStaticProps({ preview, locale, locales, }: GetStaticPropsContext) { const config = { locale, locales } const pagesPromise = commerce.getAllPages({ config, preview }) const siteInfoPromise = commerce.getSiteInfo({ config, preview }) const { pages } = await pagesPromise const { categories } = await siteInfoPromise

return { props: { pages, categories }, } }

export default function Orders() { return ( <Container> <Text variant="pageHeading">My Orders</Text> <div className="flex-1 p-24 flex flex-col justify-center items-center "> <span className="border border-dashed border-secondary rounded-full flex items-center justify-center w-16 h-16 p-12 bg-primary text-primary"> <Bag className="absolute" /> <h2 className="pt-6 text-2xl font-bold tracking-wide text-center"> No orders found <p className="text-accent-6 px-10 text-center pt-2"> Biscuit oat cake wafer icing ice cream tiramisu pudding cupcake.

</Container> ) }

Orders.Layout = Layout

WebcrazyDylan avatar Jan 10 '22 21:01 WebcrazyDylan