avatar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
avatar copied to clipboard

💎 Beautiful avatars as a microservice


Avatar generates beautiful gradient avatars for your app or homepage (for example if they didn't upload one)

Avatar is built on top of micro and is hosted on Heroku

How to use avatar

To generate an avatar just embed following URL https://avatar.tobi.sh/. Now you can append a username to generate an avatar

You will receive a png image with a size of 120*120px

Each name will generate a unique avatar. Just replace tobiaslins with an username or email

PNG avatar


Avatar for tobiaslins

Custom size


Avatar for tobiaslins

SVG avatar

It is possible to receive an svg avatar by adding the extension .svg or the parameter type=svg


Add initials

It is possible to add initials or a text to the avatar by adding the text parameter.

Feature only working with SVG


Avatar for tobiaslins

Random avatar

If you just want to use random avatars without providing usernames, you can use the root endpoint


Random Avatar


Are you creating a new app/website with an user system?

If your user doesn't want to load a custom profile picture - you can show him a unique generated avatar

Deploy to Heroku

Do you want to deploy avatar to Heroku? We got all that covered for you. Just click this button:
