oneterm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
oneterm copied to clipboard

Provide secure access and control over all infrastructure


Apache License 2.0 go>=1.18 UI

OneTerm Bastion Host, based on the 4A concept, i.e., Authentication, Authorization, Account, and Audit, is designed and developed.

Main use: It is mainly used for products that enhance IT internal control and compliance security by implementing control and audit of IT personnel's operating behaviors in enterprises.

Main functions: role management, authorization approval, resource access control, session audit, etc.

English / 中文

  • Product document:
  • Preview online: OneTerm
    • username: demo or admin
    • password: 123456

ATTENTION: branch main may be unstable as the result of continued development, please pull code from release or deploy via docker image



git clone
cd oneterm
docker-compose up -d

✅ Validation



Example GIF


ssh -p12229 [email protected] # Note that the port, user, and address need to be replaced with your current environment

Passwordless Login Configuration

Terminal passwordless login is designed for enhanced security and convenience.

  1. Generate and retrieve the public key, get the MAC address
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 # Generate the key following the prompts
cat /root/.ssh/ # Copy the public key. The public key address is obtained from the generation process as shown in the previous step
ifconfig | grep -B1 "" | awk '/ether/{print $2}' # Get the MAC address, replace with your local IP


  1. Place the public key and MAC on the platform img_1.png

More Streamlined Login Method

ssh oneterm

To achieve this effect, you can configure as follows:

  1. Create the ssh config file
touch ~/.ssh/config
  1. Add the following content to ~/.ssh/config
Host oneterm
    HostName # Replace with the address of your oneterm's ssh server
    Port 12229 # Replace with the port of your oneterm's ssh server
    User admin # Replace with your platform user on oneterm




  • [ ] The asset list is associated with the CMDB authorization service tree.
  • [ ] The web terminal page supports multiple sessions with tabs, etc.


doc link:

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