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OpenVPN and Access Server with Letsencrypt on EC2

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Terraform AWS OpenVPNServer

Range of application

  • Deploys an OpenVPN and Access Server with Letsencrypt SSL Certificate on EC2
  • LetsEncrypt hook to put certificate into OpenVPN-AS config and restart openvpnas service

Basic Settings

Customize your OpenVPNServer with these Inputs

Logoutput on the EC2 Instance

Setup logfile /tmp/setup.log

LetsEncrypt auto renew logfile /var/log/letsencrypt-renew.log

Advanced Settings

For VPN Routing and advanced settings use the Access Server command line interface tools

To use ./sacli navigate to /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/

Default settings never route any client traffic through the VPN

You can change this in userdata.sh befor creating the instance but you also can change this after that on the EC2 Instance.

sacli commands examples (no client traffic routing through the VPN connection)

 ./sacli --key "vpn.client.routing.reroute_dns" --value "false" ConfigPut
 ./sacli --key "vpn.client.routing.reroute_gw" --value "false" ConfigPut


If everything went well :) you can access your OpenVPN Access server via your browser.

Check your specified Admin URL in the outputs of this terraform module

Username: openvpn

Password: ( set your password with ${var.passwd}


  • https://openvpn.net/vpn-server-resources/managing-settings-for-the-web-services-from-the-command-line/


Name Description Type Default Required
ami AWS AMI to use string ami-090f10efc254eaf55 no
domain Domain Name string n/a yes
instancename Name of the Instance string n/a yes
instancetype AWS Instance Type string n/a yes
key_city OpenVPN CA City Name string n/a yes
key_country OpenVPN CA Country Name string n/a yes
key_email OpenVPN CA Email Contact string n/a yes
key_org OpenVPN CA Organisation Name string n/a yes
key_ou OpenVPN Organisation Unit Name string n/a yes
key_province OpenVPN CA Province Name string n/a yes
keyname SSH Access Key string n/a yes
owner AWS Tag for Owner string n/a yes
passwd OpenVPN User Password for AdminUser:openvpn string n/a yes
profile Aws Profile to use string n/a yes
region Region to use string n/a yes
sslmail LetsEncrypt Contact Email string n/a yes
subdomain Subdomain string n/a yes
subnetid Subnet for the EC2 instance string n/a yes
vpc AWS VPC to be used string n/a yes


Name Description
Domain Name TLD for the OpenVPNServer
adminurl Admin Access URL for the OpenVPNServer
arn Your VPC ARN
instancearn Instance ARN
instancetype Instance Type
iprange VPC Iprage
keyname SSH Access Key Name
privateip Instance Private IP
pubplicip The Instance Public IP
route table Route Table
sg_id SecurityGroup ID
sg_name SecurityGroup Name
userdata Userdata Hash
vpc_id VPC ID
vpc_name VPC Name