Ventoy copied to clipboard
[issue]: USB ReadOnly after updating Ventoy to Version 1.0.91
Official FAQ
- [X] I have checked the official FAQ.
Ventoy Version
What about latest release
Yes. I have tried the latest release, but the bug still exist.
Try alternative boot mode
Yes. I have tried them, but the bug still exist.
Partition Style
Disk Capacity
64 GB
Disk Manufacturer
Image file checksum (if applicable)
Image file download link (if applicable)
No response
What happened?
I had Ventoy installed on a 64GB Kingstone USB Drive and I used it to install Debian 12 on the release day, It worked as usual, I copied the Image and Install, Later the same day I needed to install Windows 11 and I Downloaded a new ISO but couldn't copy it to the USB, and noticed that the USB is in read-only, I tried reformating it but it fails since it is read-only, I tried to use the Ventoy version on it and I can boot to all images that were already on it, the log txt file is attached. thanks for your help
Edit 1: Full copy of the log.txt
[2023/05/11 10:03:30] ventoy_disk_enumerate_all
[2023/05/11 10:03:30] get disk info nvme0n1
[2023/05/11 10:03:30] is 4k native disk
Update 2: Log.txt from a Windows machine on Windows 11
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.483]
############################## Ventoy2DiskX86 #############################
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.483] Current Directory <C:\Users\mido_\Desktop\ventoy-1.0.91-windows\ventoy-1.0.91>
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.483] Exe file path <C:\Users\mido_\Desktop\ventoy-1.0.91-windows\ventoy-1.0.91\Ventoy2Disk.exe>
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.483] Current directory check OK.
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.485] Current directory:<C:\Users\mido_\Desktop\ventoy-1.0.91-windows\ventoy-1.0.91>
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.490] ######### Current Ventoy Version: Ventoy2DiskX86 1.0.91 ########
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.500] id=3700/6472
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.502] PPath:<C:\Windows\explorer.exe>
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.507] PSize:<5071384 4952KB>
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.512] Lunch main process 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.518] Control Flag: 0 1 1
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.524] Windows Version: <<Windows 11 Pro, 64-bit (Build 22621.1778)>>
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.528]
===================== Enum All PhyDrives =====================
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.535] RegOpenKeyExA <SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\disk\Enum> Ret:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.541] RegQueryValueExA <Count> ret:0 Size:4 Value:3
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.547] GetPhysicalDriveCount: 3
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.552] Logical Drives: 0xc
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.558] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.564] C --> 1
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.571] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.576] D --> 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.583] Create file Handle:00000154 \.\PhysicalDrive0 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.589] PHYSICALDRIVE0 size 1024209543168 bytes
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.595] Create file Handle:00000154 \.\PhysicalDrive1 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.601] PHYSICALDRIVE1 size 256060514304 bytes
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.610] Create file Handle:00000154 \.\PhysicalDrive2 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.614] PHYSICALDRIVE2 size 61991813632 bytes
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.619] DeviceIoControl3 error:1 dwBytes:116
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.624] PhyDrv:0 BusType:SATA Removable:0 Size:1024GB(1024209543168) Sector:512/512 Name: Fanxiang S101 1TB
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.630] PhyDrv:1 BusType:Nvme Removable:0 Size:256GB(256060514304) Sector:512/4096 Name: WDC PC SN530 SDBPMPZ-256G-1101
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.638] PhyDrv:2 BusType:USB Removable:1 Size:64GB(61991813632) Sector:0/0 Name:Kingston DataTraveler 3.0
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.644] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.649] Logical Drive:C ===> PhyDrive:1
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.655] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.661] Logical Drive:D ===> PhyDrive:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.669] Create file Handle:00000150 \.\PhysicalDrive2 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.674] Read MBR Ret:1 Size:512 code:183
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.680] =========== Disk2 GPT Partition 1 ============
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.686] PartTbl.PartType = {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.691] PartTbl.PartGuid = {d6fc3d0c-cb2a-4874-863f-cadd86bc4613}
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.697] PartTbl.StartLBA = 2048
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.702] PartTbl.LastLBA = 121012191
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.709] PartTbl.Attribute = 0x0
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.715] PartTbl.Name = Ventoy
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.721] =========== Disk2 GPT Partition 2 ============
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.727] PartTbl.PartType = {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.734] PartTbl.PartGuid = {0b88bb2a-fb63-4e40-b89e-3161c7178663}
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.739] PartTbl.StartLBA = 121012192
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.745] PartTbl.LastLBA = 121077727
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.751] PartTbl.Attribute = 0x8000000000000001
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.756] PartTbl.Name = VTOYEFI
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.762] PhysicalDrive2 is ventoy disk
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.769] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.776] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 00000150
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.780] Parse FAT fs...
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.788] attach media success...
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.865] GetVentoyVerInPhyDrive rc=0...
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.865] VentoyVerInPhyDrive 2 is <1.0.91>...
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.874] PhyDrive 2 is Ventoy Disk ver:1.0.91 SecureBoot:1
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.877] GetVentoyFsNameInPhyDrive not found
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.884] < Fanxiang S101 1TB> is filtered for not USB type.
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.890] < WDC PC SN530 SDBPMPZ-256G-1101> is filtered for not USB type.
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.939] Load languages from json file ...
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.940] language json file len:275390 json parse:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:42.948] Total 51 languages ...
[2023/06/11 20:42:43.005] Combox select change, update secure boot option: 1 1
[2023/06/11 20:42:43.021] Courier New font <C:\Windows\Fonts\couri.ttf> exist OK.
[2023/06/11 20:42:43.022] system_dir=<C:\Windows\system32>
[2023/06/11 20:42:43.029] sysnative_dir=<C:\Windows\Sysnative>
[2023/06/11 20:42:43.035] LoadLibrary shell32.dll.mui SUCCESS
[2023/06/11 20:42:43.040] SetAlertPromptHook SUCCESS
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.265] #### Now Refresh PhyDrive ####
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.266] Current combox selection is PhyDrive2
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.273]
===================== Enum All PhyDrives =====================
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.280] RegOpenKeyExA <SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\disk\Enum> Ret:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.286] RegQueryValueExA <Count> ret:0 Size:4 Value:3
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.292] GetPhysicalDriveCount: 3
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.298] Logical Drives: 0xc
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.303] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.309] C --> 1
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.316] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.322] D --> 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.328] Create file Handle:00000234 \.\PhysicalDrive0 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.334] PHYSICALDRIVE0 size 1024209543168 bytes
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.340] Create file Handle:00000234 \.\PhysicalDrive1 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.358] PHYSICALDRIVE1 size 256060514304 bytes
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.361] Create file Handle:000002A4 \.\PhysicalDrive2 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.366] PHYSICALDRIVE2 size 61991813632 bytes
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.372] DeviceIoControl3 error:1 dwBytes:116
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.378] PhyDrv:0 BusType:SATA Removable:0 Size:1024GB(1024209543168) Sector:512/512 Name: Fanxiang S101 1TB
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.384] PhyDrv:1 BusType:Nvme Removable:0 Size:256GB(256060514304) Sector:512/4096 Name: WDC PC SN530 SDBPMPZ-256G-1101
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.390] PhyDrv:2 BusType:USB Removable:1 Size:64GB(61991813632) Sector:0/0 Name:Kingston DataTraveler 3.0
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.397] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.403] Logical Drive:C ===> PhyDrive:1
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.409] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.415] Logical Drive:D ===> PhyDrive:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.425] Create file Handle:000002A8 \.\PhysicalDrive2 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.429] Read MBR Ret:1 Size:512 code:183
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.436] =========== Disk2 GPT Partition 1 ============
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.441] PartTbl.PartType = {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.447] PartTbl.PartGuid = {d6fc3d0c-cb2a-4874-863f-cadd86bc4613}
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.453] PartTbl.StartLBA = 2048
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.460] PartTbl.LastLBA = 121012191
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.466] PartTbl.Attribute = 0x0
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.472] PartTbl.Name = Ventoy
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.479] =========== Disk2 GPT Partition 2 ============
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.485] PartTbl.PartType = {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.491] PartTbl.PartGuid = {0b88bb2a-fb63-4e40-b89e-3161c7178663}
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.497] PartTbl.StartLBA = 121012192
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.504] PartTbl.LastLBA = 121077727
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.510] PartTbl.Attribute = 0x8000000000000001
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.515] PartTbl.Name = VTOYEFI
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.521] PhysicalDrive2 is ventoy disk
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.527] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.545] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 000002A4
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.546] Parse FAT fs...
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.553] attach media success...
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.632] GetVentoyVerInPhyDrive rc=0...
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.632] VentoyVerInPhyDrive 2 is <1.0.91>...
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.641] PhyDrive 2 is Ventoy Disk ver:1.0.91 SecureBoot:1
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.646] GetVentoyFsNameInPhyDrive not found
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.653] < Fanxiang S101 1TB> is filtered for not USB type.
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.659] < WDC PC SN530 SDBPMPZ-256G-1101> is filtered for not USB type.
[2023/06/11 20:42:49.671] Combox select change, update secure boot option: 1 1
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.624] #### Now Refresh PhyDrive ####
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.625] Current combox selection is PhyDrive2
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.632]
===================== Enum All PhyDrives =====================
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.639] RegOpenKeyExA <SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\disk\Enum> Ret:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.645] RegQueryValueExA <Count> ret:0 Size:4 Value:3
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.651] GetPhysicalDriveCount: 3
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.657] Logical Drives: 0xc
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.663] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.669] C --> 1
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.676] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.682] D --> 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.688] Create file Handle:000002C0 \.\PhysicalDrive0 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.694] PHYSICALDRIVE0 size 1024209543168 bytes
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.700] Create file Handle:000002C0 \.\PhysicalDrive1 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.705] PHYSICALDRIVE1 size 256060514304 bytes
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.714] Create file Handle:000002C0 \.\PhysicalDrive2 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.720] PHYSICALDRIVE2 size 61991813632 bytes
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.725] DeviceIoControl3 error:1 dwBytes:116
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.731] PhyDrv:0 BusType:SATA Removable:0 Size:1024GB(1024209543168) Sector:512/512 Name: Fanxiang S101 1TB
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.736] PhyDrv:1 BusType:Nvme Removable:0 Size:256GB(256060514304) Sector:512/4096 Name: WDC PC SN530 SDBPMPZ-256G-1101
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.743] PhyDrv:2 BusType:USB Removable:1 Size:64GB(61991813632) Sector:0/0 Name:Kingston DataTraveler 3.0
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.749] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.754] Logical Drive:C ===> PhyDrive:1
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.760] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.767] Logical Drive:D ===> PhyDrive:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.775] Create file Handle:000002C4 \.\PhysicalDrive2 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.780] Read MBR Ret:1 Size:512 code:183
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.788] =========== Disk2 GPT Partition 1 ============
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.792] PartTbl.PartType = {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.799] PartTbl.PartGuid = {d6fc3d0c-cb2a-4874-863f-cadd86bc4613}
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.805] PartTbl.StartLBA = 2048
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.811] PartTbl.LastLBA = 121012191
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.817] PartTbl.Attribute = 0x0
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.824] PartTbl.Name = Ventoy
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.829] =========== Disk2 GPT Partition 2 ============
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.835] PartTbl.PartType = {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.842] PartTbl.PartGuid = {0b88bb2a-fb63-4e40-b89e-3161c7178663}
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.847] PartTbl.StartLBA = 121012192
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.854] PartTbl.LastLBA = 121077727
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.859] PartTbl.Attribute = 0x8000000000000001
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.866] PartTbl.Name = VTOYEFI
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.873] PhysicalDrive2 is ventoy disk
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.878] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.886] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 000002C4
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.891] Parse FAT fs...
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.898] attach media success...
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.980] GetVentoyVerInPhyDrive rc=0...
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.980] VentoyVerInPhyDrive 2 is <1.0.91>...
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.988] PhyDrive 2 is Ventoy Disk ver:1.0.91 SecureBoot:1
[2023/06/11 20:42:58.993] GetVentoyFsNameInPhyDrive not found
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.000] Create file Handle:000002BC \.\PhysicalDrive0 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.006] Read MBR Ret:1 Size:512 code:183
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.012] =========== Disk0 MBR Partition 1 ============
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.018] PartTbl.Active = 0x0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.024] PartTbl.FsFlag = 0xf
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.030] PartTbl.StartSectorId = 1985
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.037] PartTbl.SectorCount = 2000394303
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.043] PartTbl.StartHead = 31
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.049] PartTbl.StartSector = 33
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.055] PartTbl.StartCylinder = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.061] PartTbl.EndHead = 254
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.068] PartTbl.EndSector = 63
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.073] PartTbl.EndCylinder = 1023
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.080] =========== Disk0 MBR Partition 2 ============
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.086] PartTbl.Active = 0x0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.092] PartTbl.FsFlag = 0x0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.098] PartTbl.StartSectorId = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.104] PartTbl.SectorCount = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.110] PartTbl.StartHead = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.116] PartTbl.StartSector = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.123] PartTbl.StartCylinder = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.129] PartTbl.EndHead = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.135] PartTbl.EndSector = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.141] PartTbl.EndCylinder = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.147] =========== Disk0 MBR Partition 3 ============
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.153] PartTbl.Active = 0x0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.159] PartTbl.FsFlag = 0x0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.165] PartTbl.StartSectorId = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.171] PartTbl.SectorCount = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.177] PartTbl.StartHead = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.183] PartTbl.StartSector = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.189] PartTbl.StartCylinder = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.194] PartTbl.EndHead = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.200] PartTbl.EndSector = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.206] PartTbl.EndCylinder = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.213] =========== Disk0 MBR Partition 4 ============
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.219] PartTbl.Active = 0x0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.225] PartTbl.FsFlag = 0x0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.231] PartTbl.StartSectorId = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.238] PartTbl.SectorCount = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.243] PartTbl.StartHead = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.248] PartTbl.StartSector = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.255] PartTbl.StartCylinder = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.261] PartTbl.EndHead = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.266] PartTbl.EndSector = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.272] PartTbl.EndCylinder = 0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.279] Part1 not match 1985
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.286] Create file Handle:000002BC \.\PhysicalDrive1 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.304] Read MBR Ret:1 Size:512 code:183
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.304] =========== Disk1 GPT Partition 1 ============
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.310] PartTbl.PartType = {c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b}
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.315] PartTbl.PartGuid = {5bd82553-3bfc-4c30-8492-a8b8826fbedc}
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.322] PartTbl.StartLBA = 2048
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.327] PartTbl.LastLBA = 1050623
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.333] PartTbl.Attribute = 0x0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.339] PartTbl.Name = System
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.346] =========== Disk1 GPT Partition 2 ============
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.353] PartTbl.PartType = {0657fd6d-a4ab-43c4-84e5-0933c84b4f4f}
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.358] PartTbl.PartGuid = {206137fb-a0f5-4e54-80ba-e2f147aa147c}
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.365] PartTbl.StartLBA = 1050624
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.371] PartTbl.LastLBA = 34605055
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.377] PartTbl.Attribute = 0x0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.383] PartTbl.Name = Swap
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.389] =========== Disk1 GPT Partition 3 ============
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.395] PartTbl.PartType = {0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4}
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.401] PartTbl.PartGuid = {f7cf7416-9c55-47d0-ada5-7c67221d01e4}
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.407] PartTbl.StartLBA = 34605056
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.413] PartTbl.LastLBA = 290402303
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.419] PartTbl.Attribute = 0x0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.426] PartTbl.Name = Root
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.432] =========== Disk1 GPT Partition 4 ============
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.437] PartTbl.PartType = {e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215ae}
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.444] PartTbl.PartGuid = {474dbbd3-5cbc-4199-9664-0f0af3888fb9}
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.451] PartTbl.StartLBA = 290402304
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.457] PartTbl.LastLBA = 290435071
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.462] PartTbl.Attribute = 0x8000000000000000
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.468] PartTbl.Name = Microsoft reserved partition
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.475] =========== Disk1 GPT Partition 5 ============
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.481] PartTbl.PartType = {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.487] PartTbl.PartGuid = {fe8f6f3b-e11c-47d9-910f-ad4023c34464}
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.492] PartTbl.StartLBA = 290435072
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.499] PartTbl.LastLBA = 500117503
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.504] PartTbl.Attribute = 0x0
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.511] PartTbl.Name = Basic data partition
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.517] Invalid ventoy efi part name <Swap>
[2023/06/11 20:42:59.530] Combox select change, update secure boot option: 1 1
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.226] #### Now Refresh PhyDrive ####
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.226] Current combox selection is PhyDrive2
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.234]
===================== Enum All PhyDrives =====================
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.241] RegOpenKeyExA <SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\disk\Enum> Ret:0
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.246] RegQueryValueExA <Count> ret:0 Size:4 Value:3
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.252] GetPhysicalDriveCount: 3
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.258] Logical Drives: 0xc
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.265] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.271] C --> 1
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.277] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.283] D --> 0
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.290] Create file Handle:000002C4 \.\PhysicalDrive0 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.296] PHYSICALDRIVE0 size 1024209543168 bytes
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.303] Create file Handle:000002C4 \.\PhysicalDrive1 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.345] PHYSICALDRIVE1 size 256060514304 bytes
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.355] Create file Handle:000002C4 \.\PhysicalDrive2 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.355] PHYSICALDRIVE2 size 61991813632 bytes
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.362] DeviceIoControl3 error:1 dwBytes:116
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.368] PhyDrv:0 BusType:SATA Removable:0 Size:1024GB(1024209543168) Sector:512/512 Name: Fanxiang S101 1TB
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.375] PhyDrv:1 BusType:Nvme Removable:0 Size:256GB(256060514304) Sector:512/4096 Name: WDC PC SN530 SDBPMPZ-256G-1101
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.381] PhyDrv:2 BusType:USB Removable:1 Size:64GB(61991813632) Sector:0/0 Name:Kingston DataTraveler 3.0
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.387] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.394] Logical Drive:C ===> PhyDrive:1
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.399] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.405] Logical Drive:D ===> PhyDrive:0
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.413] Create file Handle:000002B8 \.\PhysicalDrive2 status:0
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.420] Read MBR Ret:1 Size:512 code:183
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.432] =========== Disk2 GPT Partition 1 ============
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.432] PartTbl.PartType = {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.439] PartTbl.PartGuid = {d6fc3d0c-cb2a-4874-863f-cadd86bc4613}
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.445] PartTbl.StartLBA = 2048
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.452] PartTbl.LastLBA = 121012191
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.457] PartTbl.Attribute = 0x0
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.463] PartTbl.Name = Ventoy
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.470] =========== Disk2 GPT Partition 2 ============
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.476] PartTbl.PartType = {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.482] PartTbl.PartGuid = {0b88bb2a-fb63-4e40-b89e-3161c7178663}
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.488] PartTbl.StartLBA = 121012192
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.493] PartTbl.LastLBA = 121077727
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.499] PartTbl.Attribute = 0x8000000000000001
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.505] PartTbl.Name = VTOYEFI
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.512] PhysicalDrive2 is ventoy disk
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.518] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.527] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 000002C0
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.531] Parse FAT fs...
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.539] attach media success...
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.616] GetVentoyVerInPhyDrive rc=0...
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.617] VentoyVerInPhyDrive 2 is <1.0.91>...
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.625] PhyDrive 2 is Ventoy Disk ver:1.0.91 SecureBoot:1
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.630] GetVentoyFsNameInPhyDrive not found
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.636] < Fanxiang S101 1TB> is filtered for not USB type.
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.642] < WDC PC SN530 SDBPMPZ-256G-1101> is filtered for not USB type.
[2023/06/11 20:43:03.655] Combox select change, update secure boot option: 1 1
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.588] ClearVentoyFromPhyDrive PhyDrive2 <<Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 64GB>>
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.591] Lock disk for clean .............................
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.597] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.606] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 000002E4
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.611] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.617] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.623] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.631] No drive letter was assigned...
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.637] GetFirstUnusedDriveLetter E: ...
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.642] Will use 'E:' as volume mountpoint
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.683] VDS init OK, service 028BB77C
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.701] Callback 1 process for disk <\?\PhysicalDrive2>
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.701] Deleting ALL partitions from disk '\?\PhysicalDrive2':
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.708] * Partition 1 (offset: 1048576, size: 61957193728) delete it.
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.741] Could not delete partitions: 0x8007045d
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.741] VDS_DeleteAllPartitions 2 ret:0 (FAIL)
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.748] Notice: Could not delete partitions: 183
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.755] Deleting all partitions ......................... OK
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.761] Lock disk for write .............................
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.767] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.776] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 00000358
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.781] Opened \.\PhysicalDrive2 for exclusive write access
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.788] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.799] Write fisrt 1MB ret:0 size:0 err:1117
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.802] FindProcessOccupyDisk for PhyDrive 2
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.807] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.841] handles->NumberOfHandles = 75894
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.841] NOTE: Could not identify the process(es) or service(s) accessing \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:43:26.850] This time clear failed, now wait and retry...
[2023/06/11 20:43:36.870] Now retry to clear...
[2023/06/11 20:43:36.870] ClearVentoyFromPhyDrive PhyDrive2 <<Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 64GB>>
[2023/06/11 20:43:36.879] Lock disk for clean .............................
[2023/06/11 20:43:36.885] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:43:36.893] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 000001E8
[2023/06/11 20:43:36.897] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:43:36.904] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:43:36.910] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:43:36.916] No drive letter was assigned...
[2023/06/11 20:43:36.922] GetFirstUnusedDriveLetter E: ...
[2023/06/11 20:43:36.929] Will use 'E:' as volume mountpoint
[2023/06/11 20:43:36.959] VDS init OK, service 028BB974
[2023/06/11 20:43:36.980] Callback 1 process for disk <\?\PhysicalDrive2>
[2023/06/11 20:43:36.980] Deleting ALL partitions from disk '\?\PhysicalDrive2':
[2023/06/11 20:43:36.987] * Partition 1 (offset: 1048576, size: 61957193728) delete it.
[2023/06/11 20:43:37.000] Could not delete partitions: 0x8007045d
[2023/06/11 20:43:37.000] VDS_DeleteAllPartitions 2 ret:0 (FAIL)
[2023/06/11 20:43:37.007] Notice: Could not delete partitions: 183
[2023/06/11 20:43:37.014] Deleting all partitions ......................... OK
[2023/06/11 20:43:37.022] Lock disk for write .............................
[2023/06/11 20:43:37.026] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:43:37.043] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 0000035C
[2023/06/11 20:43:37.043] Opened \.\PhysicalDrive2 for exclusive write access
[2023/06/11 20:43:37.049] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:43:37.060] Write fisrt 1MB ret:0 size:0 err:1117
[2023/06/11 20:43:37.064] FindProcessOccupyDisk for PhyDrive 2
[2023/06/11 20:43:37.068] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:43:37.099] handles->NumberOfHandles = 75524
[2023/06/11 20:43:37.099] NOTE: Could not identify the process(es) or service(s) accessing \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:43:42.674] Combox select change, update secure boot option: 1 1
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.158] #####################################################
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.159] UpdateVentoy2PhyDrive try1 GPT PhyDrive2 <<Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 64GB>>
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.165] #####################################################
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.173] Lock disk for umount ............................
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.178] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.193] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 000002A4
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.194] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.202] GPT StartSector in PartTbl:121012192
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.207] GPT Reserved Disk Space:0 MB
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.214] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.219] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.225] No drive letter was assigned...
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.233] TryId=1 EFI GPT partition type is 0x8000000000000001
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.240] Change GPT partition type to ESP
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.268] VDS init OK, service 028D4E04
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.289] Callback 2 process for disk2 <\?\PhysicalDrive2>
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.296] Failed to change partition type 0x8007045d([0x8007045D] The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.)
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.297] VDS_ChangeVtoyEFI2ESP 2 ret:0 (FAIL)
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.305] PSHELL_GetPartitionNumber PhyDrive:2 Offset:61958242304
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.310] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.327] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 00000234
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.327] PhyDrive:2 PartitionStyle=GPT PartitionCount=2
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.333] [ ] [0] PartitionNumber=1 Offset=1048576 Length=61957193728
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.340] [] [1] PartitionNumber=2 Offset=61958242304 Length=33554432
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.346] CreateProcess <C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command "&{ Set-Partition -DiskNumber 2 -PartitionNumber 2 -gpttype '{C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B}' -Confirm:$false }">
[2023/06/11 20:43:45.362] Wair process ...
[2023/06/11 20:43:48.709] Process finished...
[2023/06/11 20:43:48.709] PSHELL_ChangeVtoyEFI2ESP<2> ret:1 (SUCCESS)
[2023/06/11 20:43:51.727] Lock disk for update ............................
[2023/06/11 20:43:51.728] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:43:51.744] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 0000038C
[2023/06/11 20:43:51.744] Opened \.\PhysicalDrive2 for exclusive write access
[2023/06/11 20:43:51.753] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:43:51.759] Lock volume for update ..........................
[2023/06/11 20:43:51.764] Volume not found, maybe not supported
[2023/06/11 20:43:51.772] Try write part2 bRet:0 dwSize:0 code:5
[2023/06/11 20:43:51.778] TryWritePart2 agagin ...
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.796] Try write part2 bRet:0 dwSize:0 code:5
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.796] TryWritePart2 failed ....
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.807] FindProcessOccupyDisk for PhyDrive 2
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.812] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.845] handles->NumberOfHandles = 75053
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.855] NOTE: Could not identify the process(es) or service(s) accessing \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.862] Recover GPT partition type to basic
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.891] VDS init OK, service 028D559C
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.908] Callback 2 process for disk2 <\?\PhysicalDrive2>
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.937] Failed to change partition type 0x8007045d([0x8007045D] The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.)
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.937] VDS_ChangeVtoyEFI2Basic 2 ret:0 (FAIL)
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.944] PSHELL_GetPartitionNumber PhyDrive:2 Offset:61958242304
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.951] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.969] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 0000037C
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.969] PhyDrive:2 PartitionStyle=GPT PartitionCount=2
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.976] [ ] [0] PartitionNumber=1 Offset=1048576 Length=61957193728
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.983] [] [1] PartitionNumber=2 Offset=61958242304 Length=33554432
[2023/06/11 20:43:54.990] CreateProcess <C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command "&{ Set-Partition -DiskNumber 2 -PartitionNumber 2 -gpttype '{ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}' -Confirm:$false }">
[2023/06/11 20:43:55.005] Wair process ...
[2023/06/11 20:43:58.221] Process finished...
[2023/06/11 20:43:58.221] PSHELL_ChangeVtoyEFI2Basic<2> ret:1 (SUCCESS)
[2023/06/11 20:43:58.229] Change EFI partition attr 0 <0x8000000000000001> to <0xc000000000000001>
[2023/06/11 20:43:58.238] VDS init OK, service 028F5E9C
[2023/06/11 20:43:58.252] Callback 1 process for disk <\?\PhysicalDrive2>
[2023/06/11 20:43:58.252] ** Partition 2 (offset: 61958242304, size: 33554432, Attr:0x8000000000000001)
[2023/06/11 20:43:58.320] Could not change partitions attr: 2147943517
[2023/06/11 20:43:58.321] VDS_ChangeVtoyEFIAttr 2 (offset:61958242304) ret:0 (FAIL)
[2023/06/11 20:43:58.330] Change EFI partition attr failed
[2023/06/11 20:43:58.337] This time update failed, now wait and retry...
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.357] Now retry to update...
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.357] #####################################################
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.366] UpdateVentoy2PhyDrive try2 GPT PhyDrive2 <<Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 64GB>>
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.373] #####################################################
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.381] Lock disk for umount ............................
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.386] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.396] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 00000374
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.402] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.409] GPT StartSector in PartTbl:121012192
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.415] GPT Reserved Disk Space:0 MB
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.422] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.428] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.434] No drive letter was assigned...
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.442] TryId=2 EFI GPT partition type is 0x8000000000000001
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.449] Change GPT partition attribute
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.458] VDS init OK, service 028F5AF4
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.484] Callback 1 process for disk <\?\PhysicalDrive2>
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.484] ** Partition 2 (offset: 61958242304, size: 33554432, Attr:0x8000000000000001)
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.490] Attribute match, No need to change.
[2023/06/11 20:44:02.496] VDS_ChangeVtoyEFIAttr 2 (offset:61958242304) ret:1 (SUCCESS)
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.512] Lock disk for update ............................
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.513] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.523] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 0000021C
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.528] Opened \.\PhysicalDrive2 for exclusive write access
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.534] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.542] Lock volume for update ..........................
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.548] GetVentoyVolumeName PhyDrive 2 SectorStart:121012192 PartOffset:61958242304
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.555] Find volume:\?\Volume{fe8f6f3b-e11c-47d9-910f-ad4023c34464}
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.561] IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS bRet:1 code:0
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.568] NumberOfDiskExtents:1 DiskNumber:1
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.574] This volume DiskNumber:1 offset:148702756864
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.582] Find volume:\?\Volume{d6fc3d0c-cb2a-4874-863f-cadd86bc4613}
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.588] IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS bRet:1 code:0
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.595] NumberOfDiskExtents:1 DiskNumber:2
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.602] This volume DiskNumber:2 offset:1048576
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.609] Find volume:\?\Volume{0b88bb2a-fb63-4e40-b89e-3161c7178663}
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.615] IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS bRet:1 code:0
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.622] NumberOfDiskExtents:1 DiskNumber:2
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.628] This volume DiskNumber:2 offset:61958242304
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.635] This volume match
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.641] GetVentoyVolumeName return 0
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.648] Now lock and dismount volume <\?\Volume{0b88bb2a-fb63-4e40-b89e-3161c7178663}>
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.657] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME bRet:1 code:0
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.662] FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME bRet:1 code:183
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.670] Try write part2 bRet:0 dwSize:0 code:1117
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.674] TryWritePart2 failed ....
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.682] FSCTL_UNLOCK_VOLUME bRet:1 code:183
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.688] FindProcessOccupyDisk for PhyDrive 2
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.694] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.726] handles->NumberOfHandles = 75179
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.726] NOTE: Could not identify the process(es) or service(s) accessing \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.733] Change EFI partition attr 1 <0x8000000000000001> to <0xc000000000000001>
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.741] VDS init OK, service 028F5E0C
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.755] Callback 1 process for disk <\?\PhysicalDrive2>
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.756] ** Partition 2 (offset: 61958242304, size: 33554432, Attr:0x8000000000000001)
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.822] Could not change partitions attr: 2147943517
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.822] VDS_ChangeVtoyEFIAttr 2 (offset:61958242304) ret:0 (FAIL)
[2023/06/11 20:44:04.829] Change EFI partition attr failed
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.841] Now retry to update...
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.841] #####################################################
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.848] UpdateVentoy2PhyDrive try3 GPT PhyDrive2 <<Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 64GB>>
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.855] #####################################################
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.865] Lock disk for umount ............................
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.868] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.878] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 0000021C
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.883] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.891] GPT StartSector in PartTbl:121012192
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.896] GPT Reserved Disk Space:0 MB
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.903] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.908] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.914] No drive letter was assigned...
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.921] TryId=3 EFI GPT partition type is 0x8000000000000001
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.930] VDS init OK, service 028CB29C
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.955] Callback 1 process for disk <\?\PhysicalDrive2>
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.956] Deleting partition(offset=61958242304) from disk '\?\PhysicalDrive2':
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.962] Partition 1 (offset: 1048576, size: 61957193728) skip it.
[2023/06/11 20:44:05.968] * Partition 2 (offset: 61958242304, size: 33554432) delete it.
[2023/06/11 20:44:06.003] Could not delete partitions: 0x8007045d
[2023/06/11 20:44:06.003] VDS_DeleteVtoyEFIPartition 2 ret:0 (FAIL)
[2023/06/11 20:44:06.009] PSHELL_GetPartitionNumber PhyDrive:2 Offset:61958242304
[2023/06/11 20:44:06.017] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:06.024] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 000002DC
[2023/06/11 20:44:06.029] PhyDrive:2 PartitionStyle=GPT PartitionCount=2
[2023/06/11 20:44:06.035] [ ] [0] PartitionNumber=1 Offset=1048576 Length=61957193728
[2023/06/11 20:44:06.042] [*] [1] PartitionNumber=2 Offset=61958242304 Length=33554432
[2023/06/11 20:44:06.049] CreateProcess <C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command "&{ Remove-Partition -DiskNumber 2 -PartitionNumber 2 -Confirm:$false }">
[2023/06/11 20:44:06.064] Wair process ...
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.251] Process finished...
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.252] PSHELL_DeleteVtoyEFIPartition<2> ret:1 (SUCCESS)
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.260] Lock disk for update ............................
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.265] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.274] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 000002DC
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.278] Opened \.\PhysicalDrive2 for exclusive write access
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.285] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.293] Lock volume for update ..........................
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.299] Volume not found, maybe not supported
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.306] Try write part2 bRet:0 dwSize:0 code:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.312] TryWritePart2 failed ....
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.320] FindProcessOccupyDisk for PhyDrive 2
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.325] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.359] handles->NumberOfHandles = 75175
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.359] NOTE: Could not identify the process(es) or service(s) accessing \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.368] Change EFI partition attr 0 <0x8000000000000001> to <0xc000000000000001>
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.377] VDS init OK, service 028D35BC
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.402] Callback 1 process for disk <\?\PhysicalDrive2>
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.402] ** Partition 2 (offset: 61958242304, size: 33554432, Attr:0x8000000000000001)
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.428] Could not change partitions attr: 2147943517
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.428] VDS_ChangeVtoyEFIAttr 2 (offset:61958242304) ret:0 (FAIL)
[2023/06/11 20:44:09.435] Change EFI partition attr failed
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.443] Now retry to update...
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.443] #####################################################
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.452] UpdateVentoy2PhyDrive try4 GPT PhyDrive2 <<Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 64GB>>
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.459] #####################################################
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.467] Lock disk for umount ............................
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.473] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.489] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 000002DC
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.489] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.504] GPT StartSector in PartTbl:121012192
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.504] GPT Reserved Disk Space:0 MB
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.512] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.518] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.524] No drive letter was assigned...
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.531] TryId=4 EFI GPT partition type is 0x8000000000000001
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.538] Clean disk GPT partition table
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.543] BackupDataBeforeCleanDisk 2
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.551] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.566] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 00000384
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.566] Opened \.\PhysicalDrive2 for exclusive write access
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.573] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.582] Failed to write 0 0 1117
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.586] DiskCheckWriteAccess failed
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.594] Failed to backup data before clean
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.600] Lock disk for update ............................
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.606] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.614] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 00000384
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.619] Opened \.\PhysicalDrive2 for exclusive write access
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.627] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.634] Lock volume for update ..........................
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.639] GetVentoyVolumeName PhyDrive 2 SectorStart:121012192 PartOffset:61958242304
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.645] Find volume:\?\Volume{fe8f6f3b-e11c-47d9-910f-ad4023c34464}
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.653] IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS bRet:1 code:0
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.659] NumberOfDiskExtents:1 DiskNumber:1
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.665] This volume DiskNumber:1 offset:148702756864
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.671] Find volume:\?\Volume{d6fc3d0c-cb2a-4874-863f-cadd86bc4613}
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.678] IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS bRet:1 code:0
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.684] NumberOfDiskExtents:1 DiskNumber:2
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.690] This volume DiskNumber:2 offset:1048576
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.696] Find volume:\?\Volume{0b88bb2a-fb63-4e40-b89e-3161c7178663}
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.702] IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS bRet:1 code:0
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.708] NumberOfDiskExtents:1 DiskNumber:2
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.716] This volume DiskNumber:2 offset:61958242304
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.722] This volume match
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.728] GetVentoyVolumeName return 0
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.735] Now lock and dismount volume <\?\Volume{0b88bb2a-fb63-4e40-b89e-3161c7178663}>
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.753] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME bRet:1 code:0
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.760] FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME bRet:1 code:183
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.767] Try write part2 bRet:0 dwSize:0 code:1117
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.771] TryWritePart2 failed ....
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.779] FSCTL_UNLOCK_VOLUME bRet:1 code:183
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.785] FindProcessOccupyDisk for PhyDrive 2
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.790] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.822] handles->NumberOfHandles = 75166
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.822] NOTE: Could not identify the process(es) or service(s) accessing \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.829] Change EFI partition attr 0 <0x8000000000000001> to <0xc000000000000001>
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.837] VDS init OK, service 028D2914
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.852] Callback 1 process for disk <\?\PhysicalDrive2>
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.852] ** Partition 2 (offset: 61958242304, size: 33554432, Attr:0x8000000000000001)
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.934] Could not change partitions attr: 2147943517
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.934] VDS_ChangeVtoyEFIAttr 2 (offset:61958242304) ret:0 (FAIL)
[2023/06/11 20:44:12.941] Change EFI partition attr failed
[2023/06/11 20:44:14.223] Combox select change, update secure boot option: 1 1
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.136] SpaceMB:0 SizeInMB:59120
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.140] #####################################################
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.146] InstallVentoy2PhyDrive try1 MBR PhyDrive2 <<Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 64GB>>
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.152] #####################################################
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.159] Copy boot img success
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.166] Disk signature: 0xa3d0668c
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.173] ReservedSector: 0
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.180] Lock disk for clean .............................
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.186] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.195] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 000003D8
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.201] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.207] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.212] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.220] No drive letter was assigned...
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.226] GetFirstUnusedDriveLetter E: ...
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.232] Will use 'E:' as volume mountpoint
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.266] VDS init OK, service 02937CB4
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.294] Callback 1 process for disk <\?\PhysicalDrive2>
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.295] Deleting ALL partitions from disk '\?\PhysicalDrive2':
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.303] * Partition 1 (offset: 1048576, size: 61957193728) delete it.
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.337] Could not delete partitions: 0x8007045d
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.338] VDS_DeleteAllPartitions 2 ret:0 (FAIL)
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.344] Notice: Could not delete partitions: 0xb7, but we continue.
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.351] Deleting all partitions ......................... OK
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.357] Lock disk for write .............................
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.363] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.380] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 00000358
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.380] Opened \.\PhysicalDrive2 for exclusive write access
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.387] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.420] Formatting part1 exFAT ...
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.421] Formatting Part1 exFAT ...
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.430] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:4608 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.436] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:59392 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.442] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:1890816 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.448] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:131072 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.455] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.461] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.467] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.473] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.479] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.485] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.493] Formatting Part1 exFAT failed, write error.
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.498] FormatPart1exFAT failed.
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.507] FindProcessOccupyDisk for PhyDrive 2
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.511] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.545] handles->NumberOfHandles = 75517
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.546] NOTE: Could not identify the process(es) or service(s) accessing \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.553] This time install failed, clean disk by disk, wait 5s and retry...
[2023/06/11 20:44:22.560] VDS init OK, service 02937B04
[2023/06/11 20:44:23.449] Callback 1 process for disk <\?\PhysicalDrive2>
[2023/06/11 20:44:23.966] QueryStatus invalid status:2147943517
[2023/06/11 20:44:24.479] Could not clean disk 0x8007045d err:2147943517
[2023/06/11 20:44:24.479] VDS_CleanDisk 2 ret:0 (FAIL)
[2023/06/11 20:44:24.488] CreateProcess <C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command "&{ Clear-Disk -Number 2 -RemoveData -RemoveOEM -Confirm:$false }">
[2023/06/11 20:44:24.504] Wair process ...
[2023/06/11 20:44:27.721] Process finished...
[2023/06/11 20:44:27.722] CleanDiskByPowershell<2> ret:1 (SUCCESS)
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.734] Now retry to install...
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.734] #####################################################
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.742] InstallVentoy2PhyDrive try2 MBR PhyDrive2 <<Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 64GB>>
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.749] #####################################################
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.758] Disk signature: 0xa673e9da
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.763] ReservedSector: 0
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.769] Lock disk for clean .............................
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.776] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.784] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 00000390
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.789] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.796] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.802] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.808] No drive letter was assigned...
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.816] GetFirstUnusedDriveLetter E: ...
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.822] Will use 'E:' as volume mountpoint
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.853] VDS init OK, service 029384DC
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.874] Callback 1 process for disk <\?\PhysicalDrive2>
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.874] Deleting ALL partitions from disk '\?\PhysicalDrive2':
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.881] * Partition 1 (offset: 1048576, size: 61957193728) delete it.
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.908] Could not delete partitions: 0x8007045d
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.908] VDS_DeleteAllPartitions 2 ret:0 (FAIL)
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.914] Notice: Could not delete partitions: 0xb7, but we continue.
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.921] Deleting all partitions ......................... OK
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.929] Lock disk for write .............................
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.934] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.951] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 000003B0
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.952] Opened \.\PhysicalDrive2 for exclusive write access
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.959] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.982] Formatting part1 exFAT ...
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.982] Formatting Part1 exFAT ...
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.993] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:4608 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:32.998] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:59392 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.004] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:1890816 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.013] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:131072 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.019] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.025] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.031] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.038] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.044] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.051] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.058] Formatting Part1 exFAT failed, write error.
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.063] FormatPart1exFAT failed.
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.072] FindProcessOccupyDisk for PhyDrive 2
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.076] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.109] handles->NumberOfHandles = 75279
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.110] NOTE: Could not identify the process(es) or service(s) accessing \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.117] This time install failed, clean disk by diskpart, wait 10s and retry...
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.123] CleanDiskByDiskpart <2>
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.130] CreateProcess <C:\Windows\system32\diskpart.exe /s "C:\Users\mido_\Desktop\ventoy-1.0.91-windows\ventoy-1.0.91\ventoy\diskpart_3700.txt">
[2023/06/11 20:44:33.144] Wair process ...
[2023/06/11 20:44:34.148] Process finished...
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.163] Now retry to install...
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.164] #####################################################
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.172] InstallVentoy2PhyDrive try3 MBR PhyDrive2 <<Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 64GB>>
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.179] #####################################################
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.188] Disk signature: 0x9bd9807a
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.192] ReservedSector: 0
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.199] Lock disk for clean .............................
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.206] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.214] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 000002DC
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.219] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.224] LogicalDrive:\.\C: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:148702756864 ExtentLength:107357405184
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.231] LogicalDrive:\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:1024201850880
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.237] No drive letter was assigned...
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.243] GetFirstUnusedDriveLetter E: ...
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.250] Will use 'E:' as volume mountpoint
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.280] VDS init OK, service 0293577C
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.300] Callback 1 process for disk <\?\PhysicalDrive2>
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.300] Deleting ALL partitions from disk '\?\PhysicalDrive2':
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.306] * Partition 1 (offset: 1048576, size: 61957193728) delete it.
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.334] Could not delete partitions: 0x8007045d
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.334] VDS_DeleteAllPartitions 2 ret:0 (FAIL)
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.341] Notice: Could not delete partitions: 0xb7, but we continue.
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.347] Deleting all partitions ......................... OK
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.355] Lock disk for write .............................
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.360] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.369] [0] CreateFileA \.\PhysicalDrive2 code:0 000003B0
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.374] Opened \.\PhysicalDrive2 for exclusive write access
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.381] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.406] Formatting part1 exFAT ...
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.406] Formatting Part1 exFAT ...
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.417] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:4608 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.422] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:59392 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.428] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:1890816 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.434] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:131072 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.440] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.447] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.454] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.460] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.466] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.472] WriteFile error bRet:0 WriteSize:512 dwSize:0 ErrCode:5
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.479] Formatting Part1 exFAT failed, write error.
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.484] FormatPart1exFAT failed.
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.493] FindProcessOccupyDisk for PhyDrive 2
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.497] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.529] handles->NumberOfHandles = 75648
[2023/06/11 20:44:44.529] NOTE: Could not identify the process(es) or service(s) accessing \Device\Harddisk2\DR6
[2023/06/11 20:44:46.053] Combox select change, update secure boot option: 1 1
How long have you had this disk for?
Note that this may not be related to Ventoy at all. Sometimes, when drives reach the end of their lifetime, they become automatically write-protected. It happened to me once in one drive that I heavily used
If your drive is new or you haven't been using it extensively, you can ignore this.
I had this USB drive for less than a year, I purchased it on 24/7/2022, I just checked my Amazon purchase history, and I bought it to use Ventoy on it since I am a computer engineering student and usually change Linux distros to learn it, as I remember I never copied any data on it and kept Ventoy only with my ISO Images, and from time to time I would update an image and the Ventoy software, and it became read-only after I updated Ventoy last time.
The same problem with 😒 My Drive ist write protecded
I don't think it's a coincidence: I had the misfortune of purchasing a Kingston DataTraveler DTX 128GB. I used it with Ventoy, reserving 60GB at the end of the drive to also insert another partition of personal files. After less than three months the drive became write-protected. I asked the manufacturer for a replacement, believing it was a manufacturing defect. The second drive, the one obtained after the RMA, had very very slow writing speeds after installing Ventoy (installed without reserving additional space for other partitions). I just had time to understand the problem... immediately afterwards the flash drive went into write protection, again. Months pass, I change key model, I purchase a DTXm. Exact same result. Ventoy installation: Completed successfully. I try to copy some ISOs: it crashes on the second ISO, write protected. I contact the manufacturer again, fortunately this time too he allows me to obtain a replacement. Now I'm here, with my fourth flash drive in front of me... and I don't really want to try to install Ventoy... I'm available if there's anything I can do to help the devs understand the issue, because it seems very unrealistic to me that I found three faulty NAND chips, six months apart, with serial numbers far apart from each other. Is it possible that the architecture of these Kingston drives creates problems for Ventoy?
The drives are probably all fakes. Ventoy creates a 32MB partition at the end of any USB drive. If the drive is a fake then writing to that area often corrupts the data on the drive and in many cases can make the drive write-protected because the firmware has been hacked and is not the correct firmware for that drive. You should always test ANY USB flash drive with a test such as FakeFlashTest.exe, Validrive.exe, H2TESTW.exe or a linux tester such as F3.