ports copied to clipboard
Contain all ports used by scratchpkg
When running a revdep I get nvidia package to rebuild with this message in loop : `nvidia -> /usr/lib/libnvidia-eglcore.so.545.29.02 (requires libnvidia-gpucomp.so.545.29.02)` `nvidia -> /usr/lib/libnvidia-glcore.so.545.29.02 (requires libnvidia-gpucomp.so.545.29.02)` I added the libnvidia-gpucomp.so.$version...
the build.sh script just fetches a ready rootfs from the web, how is it bootstrapped?
https://github.com/venomlinux/ports/blob/repos/main/p11-kit/spkgbuild#L14 last commit added the requirement of make-ca to update ca trust, but missing in dependency and ports also
Idk why this happens but after gen a image with mkinitramfs it gens the image and it works just fine. but grub can't detect it so i need to add...
I installed terminus-font: ``` # scratch search terminus [*] (main) terminus-font 4.49.1-2: Monospace bitmap font (for X11 and console) ``` the font wont show then in the gui software. I...
wireguard-tools is installed: ``` # scratch search wireguard-tools [*] (main) wireguard-tools 1.0.20210914-1: Tools for configuring WireGuard ``` but one of its scripts, wg-quick, will not work: ``` # wg-quick fish:...
firefox-bin and chromium-bin should depend on the gsettings-desktop-schemas, othewise you're going to have a bad time when you try to open or save files to the machine with all sorts...