Adam Jimerson

Results 45 comments of Adam Jimerson

I'm seeing this same issue with Firefox 78.0.2 with FreeBSD 12.1. My phone and computer can see each other, but the Firefox extension just has an Orange exclamation mark and...

I'm having something similar under Arch linux and Konsole 21.08.3. When I press `F1` instead of help being brought up a `P` gets inserted. I'm using Wuzz 5.0.0 which was...

I'm running into this as well: ``` @document.meta tangle: ./test-vifmrc @end * This is a test, should export the below to a new file @code vifm test @end ``` I...

Yeah I see the following in `~/.cache/yay/vcs.json` ``` "firedragon": { "": { "protocols": [ "https" ], "branch": "HEAD", "sha": "a0739bbb34826906e0d8452ebf7e6ef3569a8e38" }, "": { "protocols": [ "https" ], "branch": "HEAD", "sha":...

I'm getting a similar error ``` vim-misc 1.17.6: Failed to read temporary file (/tmp/nvimquqKFB/14) with standard output of external command: Vim(return):E484: Can't open file /tmp/nvimquqKFB/14! (external command: /usr/bin/ctags --version)vim-misc 1.17.6:...

I don't have Neovim installed or even configured, but I did enable logging and it does seem to be getting requests from CoC. [phpactor.log](

Okay let's try this one including a screenshot showing that CoC is requesting hover information: [phpactor.log]( ![Screenshot_20220714_111537](

I do know that CoC works, as I have no problem with the Go, Vim, Perl, Elvish language servers and even coc-phpls (using Intelephense) works with this same project (would...

Doing so I see tho following line in the log: ``` [2022-07-14 17:16:37] phpactor.INFO: TRAC > {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"textDocument\/codeAction","params":{"textDocu⋯ {"channel":"LSP","jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"textDocument/codeAction","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///home/vendion/work/Juice4-STS6/juice-myaccount.php"},"range":{"start":{"line":467,"character":22},"end":{"line":467,"character":22}},"context":{"diagnostics":[]}}} [] ```

I am indeed using KDE using Arch Linux as my distribution.