vim-cljfmt copied to clipboard
Formatting truncates output
When call either Cljfmt or CljfmtRange on the whole buffer it truncates text.
Debugging the plugin with echo
ended with wrong capturing fireplace#session_eval
The function called with correct buffer content returns truncated result or redir
behaves unexpectedly here:
Example of work:
(ns battle-asserts.issues.array-transpose
(:require [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]))
(def level :easy)
(def description "Implement the matrix transposition function.
Matrices are presented as arrays of arrays, where internal arrays are rows of the matrix.
There are different ways to transpose a matrix:
1) reflect the array over its main diagonal (which runs from top-left to bottom-right);
2) write the rows of the original matrix as columns of the new one;
3) write the columns of the original matrix as rows of the new one.")
(defn signature []
{:input [{:argument-name "arr1" :type {:name "array" :nested "integer"}}
{:argument-name "arr2" :type {:name "array" :nested "integer"}}]
:output {:type {:name "array" :nested {:name "array" :nested "integer"}}}})
(defn arguments-generator []
(gen/tuple (gen/bind (gen/choose 2 5)
#(gen/vector (gen/vector gen/int %)))))
(def test-data
[{:expected [[1 10] [2 20] [3 30]]
:arguments [[[1 2 3] [10 20 30]]]}
{:expected [[1 3 5] [2 4 6]]
:arguments [[[1 2] [3 4] [5 6]]]}
{:expected []
:arguments [[]]}])
(defn solution [vectors]
(if (not-empty vectors)
(apply mapv vector vectors)
After fixing
(ns battle-asserts.issues.array-transpose
(:require [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]))
(def level :easy)
(def description "Implement the matrix transposition function.
Matrices are presented as arrays of arrays, where internal arrays are rows of the matrix.
There are different ways to transpose a matrix:
1) reflect the array over its main diagonal (which runs from top-left to bottom-right);
2) write the rows of the original matrix as columns of the new one;
3) write the columns of the original matrix as rows of the new one.")
(defn signature []
{:input [{:argument-name "arr1" :type {:name "array" :nested "integer"}}
{:argument-name "arr2" :type {:name "array" :nested "integer"}}]
:output {:type {:name "array" :nested {:name "array" :nested "integer"}}}})
(defn arguments-generator []
(gen/tuple (gen/bind (gen/choose 2 5)
#(gen/vector (gen/vector gen/int %)))))
My ~/.lein/profiles.clj
{:user {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.21.1"]
[jonase/eastwood "0.3.5"]
[lein-cljfmt "0.6.4"]]
:dependenies [[cljfmt "0.6.4"]
[jonase/kibit "0.1.6" :exclusions [org.clojure/clojure]]]
:repl-options {:init (require 'cljfmt.core)}
P.S. I have set up clojure environment first time and probably missed some points
You have a typo in your :dependencies
key in your .lein/profiles.clj
Thanks. Now line with repl-options
don't crash it down. But the main problem still here.
Also there is not :CljFmtRange
command found in my editor however i used it earlier.
If i use Plug 'venantius/vim-cljfmt', { 'for': 'clojure' }
CljFmtRange appears in the first opened buffer in current vim session however if i try to open another buffer it hangs until i press ctrl-c and after that there is no :CljFmtRange
in menu.
if i use Plug 'venantius/vim-cljfmt'
don't appears at all.
My vimrc if it can help