mithril-boilerplate copied to clipboard
compile jsx templates
By adding a few dependencies to package.json:
and the following to the gulpfile (taken from the msx compiler github page and adapted):
var msx = require('msx');
var through = require('through2');
var msxTransform = function (name) {
return through.obj(function (file, enc, cb) {
try {
file.contents = new Buffer(msx.transform(file.contents.toString()));
file.path = plugins.util.replaceExtension(file.path, '.js');
catch (err) {
err.fileName = file.path;
this.emit('error', new plugins.util.PluginError('msx', err));
gulp.task('msx', function() {
return gulp.src( './src/scripts/**/*.jsx')
.on('error', function(e) {
console.error(e.message + '\n in ' + e.fileName);
I am able to use .jsx files along regular js files.
I added this to the autoreload watch:
And a new task to the watch list:'./src/**/*.jsx',['msx','scripts']);
The default taks also has 'msx' before the 'scripts' tags.
The msx task compiles the jsx files and stores them into a folder in src/scripts/jsxtmp as regular js files. Then, the normal scripts task concatenates and uglifies them along the rest.
I know very little of gulp so I am sure this can be improved.
You know, I was just looking over at ng-vu's boilerplate here:
And I thought, hmm, yeah MSX would be a smart feature to have. I actually tried using the Mithril template compiler in my gulp tasks but it didn't work very well. I will definitely consider adding this functionality. My only concern is ending up with a massive gulpfile. I figure if people want to use JSX/MSX they will use ng-vu's code, but I think at least having the option here would be fine.
I installed that one but the sample files made no sense to me. I wasn't sure which parts were optional, how could I do simple stuff and only late grow as I learn more. In this case, I am not even suggesting that the sample file be a jsx file, just leave the ability there, available, if anyone cares for it.