Tyler Compton
Tyler Compton
I agree that speed should be a pretty big concern in this case. I didn't know that sdl_ttf used freetype2, so that might make the transition easier if freetype-go is...
Okay, it looks like freetype-go is not in any state to serve as our back end, simply because it's too lacking in features. That said, it looks like developers on...
If it's an enum, would that prevent users from implementing their own DeviceMappers that map to their own hardware, since they can't add to the enum at runtime? I'm not...
Alex and I talked about a possible design for this where `vcap-utils` creates Provider classes for TensorFlow and OpenVINO, then registers them with `vcap` under a string name. Then, the...
Something higher level would be fine, I just don't think it should be an enum because that would prevent application developers from adding their own providers.
I think the piece of mind that versioning gives users and the added flexibility it gives maintainers is a concrete reason in and of itself. On the more theoretical side,...
Has this been resolved? I remember seeing the wrist servo work correctly recently.
Oh, I see. I guess it would make sense to close the issue if it's not a problem with this project. Whatever is more useful to you as a maintainer,...
I believe this error happens when your processor doesn't support an instruction set (like SSE or AVX) that Open3D is compiled for. That could happen if your host processor is...
I'm seeing similar behavior on my XPS 15 9570 running an i7-9750H. The CPU undervolting setting doesn't appear to have any effect. Even if I set it to unrealistically low...