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๐Ÿงพ Meteor isomorphic logger. Store application logs in File (FS), MongoDB, or print in Console

support support

Isomorphic logging driver

Logger driver for Meteor.js with different adapters. To use this package install an adapter (separately):

  • File - Store application log messages into the file (FS), log rotation included;
  • Mongo - Store application log messages into MongoDB;
  • Console - Print Client's application log messages to Server's console, messages colorized for better readability.


  • ๐Ÿ‘ทโ€โ™‚๏ธ 100% tests coverage;
  • ๐Ÿ’ช Flexible log level filters, ex: write FATAL, ERROR, and WARN to file, DEBUG to console, and all other to MongoDB;
  • ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป userId is automatically passed and logged, data is associated with logged-in user;
  • ๐Ÿ“Ÿ Pass logs from Client to Server;
  • ๐Ÿ•ท Catch all browser's errors.

Meteor Logger Library


meteor add ostrio:logger

ES6 Import:

import { Logger } from 'meteor/ostrio:logger';


Initiate a logger and pass it into the adapter constructor

Logger [Isomorphic]

const log = new Logger();

/* Activate adapters with default settings */
/* meteor add ostrio:loggerfile */
new LoggerFile(log).enable();
/* meteor add ostrio:loggermongo */
new LoggerMongo(log).enable();
/* meteor add ostrio:loggerconsole */
new LoggerConsole(log).enable();

/* Log message
 * message {String|Number} - Any text message
 * data    {Object} - [optional] Any additional info as object
 * userId  {String} - [optional] Current user id
 */, data, userId);
log.debug(message, data, userId);
log.error(message, data, userId);
log.fatal(message, data, userId);
log.warn(message, data, userId);
log.trace(message, data, userId);
log._(message, data, userId); //--> Plain shortcut

/* Use with throw */
throw log.error(message, data, userId);

Catch-all Client's errors example: [CLIENT]

/* Store original window.onerror */
const _GlobalErrorHandler = window.onerror;

window.onerror = function (msg, url, line) {
  log.error(msg, {file: url, onLine: line});
  if (_GlobalErrorHandler) {
    _GlobalErrorHandler.apply(this, arguments);

Catch-all Server's errors example: [Server]

const bound = Meteor.bindEnvironment((callback) => {callback();});
process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
  bound(() => {
    log.error('Server Crashed!', err);

Catch-all Meteor's errors example: [Server]

// store original Meteor error
const originalMeteorDebug = Meteor._debug;
Meteor._debug = (message, stack) => {
  const error = new Error(message);
  error.stack = stack;
  log.error('Meteor Error!', error);
  return originalMeteorDebug.apply(this, arguments);

Register new adapter [Isomorphic]

Mainly should be used by adapter developers, a.k.a. developer API.

 * Logger#add() โ€” register new adapter
 *  Emitter function
 * name        {String}    - Adapter name
 * emitter     {Function}  - Function called on Meteor.log...
 * init        {Function}  - Adapter initialization function
 * denyClient  {Boolean}   - Strictly deny execution on client
 * denyServer  {Boolean}   - Strictly deny execution on server
 * Example: log.add(name, emitter, init, denyClient, denyServer);

const emitter = (level, message, data, userId) => {
  /* .. do something with a message .. */

const init = () => {
  /* Initialization function */
  /* For example create a collection */
  log.collection = new Meteor.Collection('logs');

log.add('AdapterName', emitter, init, true, false);

Enable/disable adapter and set its settings [Isomorphic]

 * Logger#rule() โ€” register adapter default rules
 * name    {String} - Adapter name
 * options {Object} - Settings object, accepts next properties:
 * options.enable {Boolean} - Enable/disable adapter
 * options.filter {Array}   - Array of strings, accepts:
 *                            'ERROR', 'FATAL', 'WARN', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', '*'
 *                            in lowercase and uppercase
 *                            default: ['*'] - Accept all
 * options.client {Boolean} - Allow execution on Client
 * options.server {Boolean} - Allow execution on Server
 * Example: log.rule(name, options);

/* Example: */
log.rule('AdapterName', {
  enable: true,
  filter: ['ERROR', 'FATAL', 'WARN'],
  client: false, /* Allow to call, but not execute on Client */
  server: true   /* Calls from client will be executed on Server */

Running Tests

  1. Clone this package
  2. In Terminal (Console) go to directory where package is cloned
  3. Then run:


# Default
meteor test-packages ./

# With custom port
meteor test-packages ./ --port 8888

# With local MongoDB and custom port
MONGO_URL="mongodb://" meteor test-packages ./ --port 8888

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